113 Best Old Gregg Quotes (with Commentary)

Old Gregg, the surreal character from the British comedy series The Mighty Boosh, has left a memorable mark on pop culture with his bizarre personality and remarkable quotes.

Whether he’s talking about love, identity, or life in general, Old Gregg’s words are a curious mixture of foolery and surprising wisdom.

In this collection, you delve into some of the most outstanding lines from Old Gregg, exploring the wit, inspiration, and unique stance he brings to each topic.

Top Old Gregg Quotes

“I’m Old Gregg!” Old Gregg

“Do you love me? Are you playing your love games with me?” – Old Gregg

“You ever drunk Baileys from a shoe?” – Old Gregg

“I got a mangina!” – Old Gregg

“I know what you’re thinking. Here comes Old Gregg, he’s a scaly man-fish.” – Old Gregg

“Make an assessment.” – Old Gregg

“I’m gonna hurt you.” – Old Gregg

“I like you. What do you think of me?” – Old Gregg

“Easy now, fuzzy little man peach.” – Old Gregg

“Do you wanna go to a club where people wee on each other?” – Old Gregg

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Inspirational Old Gregg Quotes

“Don’t be afraid to love, even if the world often tells you otherwise.” – Old Gregg

“When you find your passion, let it consume you – like my love for Baileys.” – Old Gregg

“Remember, being different isn’t a bad thing. It means you’re brave enough to be yourself.” – Old Gregg

“In the darkest of times, hold on to your inner light, even if it’s as weird as a funky, man-fish light.” – Old Gregg

“You don’t always have to understand life, you just have to live it.” – Old Gregg

“Embrace the strange, the unusual, the misunderstood.” – Old Gregg

“Life’s storms prove the strength of our anchors; hold fast to what you love.” – Old Gregg

“Let your heart guide you through life’s murkiest waters.” – Old Gregg

“Every once in a while, someone comes into your life and changes everything. They’ll make you laugh, make you think, and make sure you’re never the same.” – Old Gregg

“In life, it’s not about where you go, but who you meet along the way.” – Old Gregg

Iconic Old Gregg Quotes

“I’m Old Gregg! Do you love me?” – Old Gregg

“Easy now, fuzzy little man peach.” – Old Gregg

“You ever drunk Baileys from a shoe?” – Old Gregg

“I got all things that are good.” – Old Gregg

“I got a mangina!” – Old Gregg

“Make an assessment.” – Old Gregg

“I’m gonna hurt you.” – Old Gregg

“I like you. What do you think of me?” – Old Gregg

“Could you learn to love me?” – Old Gregg

“You seen my downstairs mix-up?” – Old Gregg

Old Gregg Quotes on Love

“Do you love me? Are you playing your love games with me?” – Old Gregg

“I know what you’re thinking. Here comes Old Gregg. He’s a scaly man-fish. You don’t know me. You don’t know what I got.” – Old Gregg

“I’m Old Gregg! Pleased to meet you!” – Old Gregg

“I just want to be loved.” – Old Gregg

“Let me show you my mangina!” – Old Gregg

“Love games?” – Old Gregg

“I like you. I wanna be with you. I want you to have this!” – Old Gregg

“You ever drunk Baileys from a shoe? I like you!” – Old Gregg

“I got these too, fuzzy little man peach. Do you want to go to a club where people wee on each other?” – Old Gregg

“It’s attached to your rod, motherlicker!” – Old Gregg

Old Gregg Quotes on Identity

“I’m Old Gregg! I got a mangina!” – Old Gregg

“I know what you’re thinking. ‘Here comes Old Gregg, he’s a scaly man-fish.'” – Old Gregg

“Do you know what I am? I’m Old Gregg!” – Old Gregg

“You seen my downstairs mix-up?” – Old Gregg

“I’m a scaly man-fish. You don’t understand me.” – Old Gregg

“I got something to show you. This is me. This is who I am!” – Old Gregg

“I’m not like other people. I’ve got a mangina!” – Old Gregg

“People say, ‘That Gregg, he’s a mysterious fish-man.’ They’re right.” – Old Gregg

“I’m Old Gregg, motherlicker!” – Old Gregg

“Do you think you could ever love me? I’m different.” – Old Gregg

Funny Old Gregg Quotes

“Easy now, fuzzy little man peach!” – Old Gregg

“You ever drunk Baileys from a shoe?” – Old Gregg

“Wanna go to a club where people wee on each other?” – Old Gregg

“Do you love me? Could you learn to love me?” – Old Gregg

“I’ve got a mangina! I’m Old Gregg!” – Old Gregg

“I like you. What do you think of me? Make an assessment.” – Old Gregg

“You seen my watercolors? This one’s Bailey’s. As close as you can get to Bailey’s without your eyes getting wet.” – Old Gregg

“I do watercolors. I call this one ‘Old Gregg’.” – Old Gregg

“I’m gonna hurt you! Come on, don’t make me beg now.” – Old Gregg

“Let’s play love games.” – Old Gregg

Old Gregg Quotes on Relationships

“Do you love me? Are you playing your love games with me?” – Old Gregg

“I like you. What do you think of me?” – Old Gregg

“Could you learn to love me?” – Old Gregg

“It’s about expressing yourself. You know, expressing your feelings and showing me your fancies.” – Old Gregg

“You know me. You’ve seen my downstairs mix-up.” – Old Gregg

“I’m all about love. I love everyone, even if they don’t love me back.” – Old Gregg

“Sometimes I think it’s better to stick to a known relationship rather than try something new and risk getting hurt.” – Old Gregg

“You gotta love yourself before you can love someone else.” – Old Gregg

“It’s not about you or me. It’s about us. It’s about what we can be together.” – Old Gregg

“Love is like a bottle of Baileys. It’s sweet, it’s strong, and it warms you up inside.” – Old Gregg

Philosophical Old Gregg Quotes

“Life’s a great big canvas. Throw all the paint on it you can.” – Old Gregg

“People fear what they don’t understand. And nobody understands me.” – Old Gregg

“We all have our little solitudes in which we dwell, a place where we can be truly ourselves.” – Old Gregg

“The difference between you and me is not what you think. It’s how we see the world.” – Old Gregg

“What you see isn’t always what you get. But sometimes, what you get is better than what you see.” – Old Gregg

“There’s something to be said for finding beauty in the darker places of the world.” – Old Gregg

“Life is like a wheel. Sooner or later, it always comes around to where you started again.” – Old Gregg

“Understanding is deeper than knowledge. There are many people who know you, but very few who understand you.” – Old Gregg

“Every moment of light and dark is a miracle.” – Old Gregg

“Being different isn’t a bad thing. It means you’re brave enough to be yourself.” – Old Gregg

Old Gregg Quotes on Life

“Life’s a journey. Sometimes you swim, sometimes you cling to the seaweed.” – Old Gregg

“The key to life is to be happy with what you got, especially when it’s a big fish.” – Old Gregg

“Life throws you curveballs, but then it hands you Baileys. Drink up.” – Old Gregg

“Every once in a while, declare peace with the seaweed. It’s the only way to be.” – Old Gregg

“Sometimes life is rough, and all we can do is make the best of the shoal.” – Old Gregg

“Life is a lot like fishing in the dark. You never know what you’re gonna catch, but you just keep fishing.” – Old Gregg

“Remember, the deeper the waters, the more beautiful the fish.” – Old Gregg

“If life gives you lemons, find a fish. Make life take the lemons back.” – Old Gregg

“In the great ocean of life, be more than just seaweed.” – Old Gregg

“To live is to fish, and to fish is to live. That’s the circle of life.” – Old Gregg

Old Gregg Quotes from the Show

“I’m Old Gregg! Do you love me?” – Old Gregg

“You ever drunk Baileys from a shoe?” – Old Gregg

“I got a mangina!” – Old Gregg

“It’s attached to your rod, motherlicker!” – Old Gregg

“Easy now, fuzzy little man peach.” – Old Gregg

“I like you. What do you think of me?” – Old Gregg

“Do you wanna go to a club where people wee on each other?” – Old Gregg

“I got all things that are good.” – Old Gregg

“I know what you’re thinking. ‘Here comes Old Gregg, he’s a scaly man-fish.'” – Old Gregg

“You seen my downstairs mix-up?” – Old Gregg

Memorable Old Gregg Quotes

“Do you love me? Are you playing your love games with me?” – Old Gregg

“I’m Old Gregg! I’ve got a mangina!” – Old Gregg

“I like you. What do you think of me?” – Old Gregg

“Make an assessment.” – Old Gregg

“Fuzzy little man peach!” – Old Gregg

“Do you wanna go to a club where people wee on each other?” – Old Gregg

“I got all things that are good.” – Old Gregg

“You ever drunk Baileys from a shoe?” – Old Gregg

“It’s attached to your rod, motherlicker!” – Old Gregg

“I got a man-gina!” – Old Gregg

Old Gregg Quotes on Creativity

“Come to my window, milky-jo!” – Old Gregg

“This is as close as you can get to Baileys without your eyes getting wet.” – Old Gregg

“You must love me exactly as I love you.” – Old Gregg

“I’ve got all things that are good.” – Old Gregg

“I call this one ‘Baileys’. This one is ‘Baileys a bit bigger’.” – Old Gregg

“The funky ball of tits from outer space.” – Old Gregg

“You know me, motherlicker, do you?” – Old Gregg

“You and me are going to dance in the moonlight.” – Old Gregg

“I can find love on the moon with my creamy Baileys.” – Old Gregg

“You ever been to a club where people wee on each other?” – Old Gregg

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Final Thoughts

Old Gregg’s quotes are not just lines from a comedy sketch; they are proof to the creativity and ingenuity that The Mighty Boosh brought to television.

Through his peculiar yet captivating conversation, Old Gregg offers insights that resonate in unexpected ways, reminding you to embrace your quirks and view the world with a sense of humor.

As you contemplate on these quotes, may you find both laughter and perhaps a profound appreciation for the quirky wisdom that Old Gregg represents.

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