115 Best Rick Grimes Quotes (with Commentary)

Rick Grimes, the central character of the television series “The Walking Dead,” symbolizes the exemplary survivalist leader in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies.

Known for his complicated moral compass and formidable leadership skills, Rick’s quotes provide profound insights into his ideology on life, leadership, and survival.

These quotes not just capture his relentless determination to protect his group but also mirror his struggles with the burdens of leadership in a world where the rules of society have tumbled.

Top Rick Grimes Quotes

Rick Grimes, from “The Walking Dead,” embodies resilience and complexity, grappling with the moral dilemmas of a post-apocalyptic world. His quotes often reflect the weight of leadership and the human struggle for survival and humanity.

“We are the walking dead.”Rick Grimes

“I’m doing stuff, Lori. Things.”Rick Grimes

“If you don’t fight, you die.”Rick Grimes

“We don’t kill the living.”Rick Grimes

“I’m a better father than a husband, and I’m a better leader than a father.”Rick Grimes

“This isn’t a democracy anymore.”Rick Grimes

“There’s no way back. But I know that now, that I have to live for them.”Rick Grimes

“You can’t just be the good guy and expect to live. Not anymore.”Rick Grimes

“Everyone is alive right now. Everyone who’s made it this far. We’ve all done the worst kinds of things just to stay alive.”Rick Grimes

“I found them.”Rick Grimes

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Rick Grimes Quotes on Leadership

These quotes from Rick not only underscore the challenges of leading in an unforgiving environment but also reflect his determination to protect his group at all costs, often questioning the price of survival.

“You follow me because you do, but nobody follows me without my lead!”Rick Grimes

“I’m not the good guy anymore.”Rick Grimes

“We protect each other. We do whatever it takes to keep each other human.”Rick Grimes

“It’s all about survival now. At any cost.”Rick Grimes

“People are going to die. I’m going to die. Mom, there’s no way you can ever be ready for it.”Rick Grimes

“It’s not about what I think we should do, but what the group thinks.”Rick Grimes

“We’re all looking for someone to blame, and you want it to be me.”Rick Grimes

“Making decisions based on fear is no way to lead.”Rick Grimes

“I’ve killed people. I don’t even know how many but now… I know why they’re all dead. They’re dead so my family, all those people out there, can be alive.”Rick Grimes

“If you don’t want to live, if you want to survive, you gotta fight for it! I’m talking about fight right here, right now!”Rick Grimes

Rick Grimes Quotes on Survival

Rick’s survival quotes reflect a raw, unyielded determination to protect his group. They resonate with anyone facing seemingly insurmountable odds, reminding us that survival often demands sacrifice and tough choices.

“You do what you have to do to keep people alive, and you think you can live with it.”Rick Grimes

“We’re not too far gone. We get to come back. I know we all can change.”Rick Grimes

“It’s not just about surviving. You gotta live.”Rick Grimes

“There’s us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together, not apart.”Rick Grimes

Rick Grimes Quotes on Tough Decisions

Rick Grimes’ leadership is defined by the weight of his decisions. Each choice carries the burden of life, death, and the future of his group. These quotes reflect the gravity of leadership in a world where every decision can mean the difference between survival and demise.

“You can’t just be the good guy and expect to live. Not anymore.”Rick Grimes

“It’s all about survival now. At any cost. People are going to die. I’m going to die. Mom, there’s no way you can ever be ready for it.”Rick Grimes

“I’d ask you to do the same thing if it was me.”Rick Grimes

“We don’t kill the living. That’s a choice.”Rick Grimes

“It’s not about what I want. It’s about what’s fair!”Rick Grimes

“This isn’t a democracy anymore.”Rick Grimes

“I made a choice I could live with. We’re going to start making things right.”Rick Grimes

“Sometimes you don’t have a choice.”Rick Grimes

“The world is built by killers. So you better get used to looking at them.”Rick Grimes

“You do what you have to do. I can live with that. Can you?”Rick Grimes

Rick Grimes Quotes on Protection

Protection is a recurring theme in Rick Grimes’ narrative. His primary goal, beyond survival, is the safety and protection of his family and group. These quotes showcase his resolve and the lengths he will go to keep his loved ones safe from harm.

“They’re screwing with the wrong people.”Rick Grimes

“We are going to keep them alive. We are going to keep them fed. And if anyone tries to stop that, they’re going to die.”Rick Grimes

“I would die for you. And I would have died for Carl. But I won’t let anyone else die for me.”Rick Grimes

“If we don’t protect ourselves, nobody else will.”Rick Grimes

“We don’t kill the living. That’s a choice.”Rick Grimes

“You protect your own. If you don’t fight, you die.”Rick Grimes

“I am doing this to keep you safe. All of you. You know I would do anything for you.”Rick Grimes

“I’m doing this because this is life now. We have to fight it. ‘Cause if we don’t, we die.”Rick Grimes

“It’s not about us anymore. It’s about a future.”Rick Grimes

“Every day I wake up and I have to look at that RV and remember the choices I’ve made.”Rick Grimes

“We can make it together, but we can only make it together.”Rick Grimes

“No more kid stuff. People are gonna die. I’m gonna die. But it’s how we live.”Rick Grimes

“Just survive somehow.”Rick Grimes

“When I first met him, Jesus said my world was gonna get a whole lot bigger. And it did.”Rick Grimes

“Every moment now you don’t have a choice. The only thing you can choose is what you’re risking it for.”Rick Grimes

“We tell ourselves that we are the walking dead.”Rick Grimes

Rick Grimes Quotes on Humanity

Rick Grimes’ journey is also one of profound reflections on what it means to retain one’s humanity in the face of apocalyptic horror. His struggles are emblematic of the broader human condition, where the line between survival and humanity blurs in extreme circumstances.

“We don’t kill the living.”Rick Grimes

“You’re talking about something you can’t come back from.”Rick Grimes

“We all carry things inside us that no one else can see. They weigh us down like anchors. They drown us out at sea.”Rick Grimes

“I want to show you the new world. I want to make it a reality for you. Please, come with me.”Rick Grimes

“We’re fighting for a chance to be safe, to be real.”Rick Grimes

“I’m tired of just surviving. We’re not just fighting to survive anymore. We’re making a new beginning.”Rick Grimes

“If we don’t fight, we die. And we give up our right to any hope of a future.”Rick Grimes

“What we do and how we do it matters.”Rick Grimes

“You fight for it, you risk everything, and sometimes you put everything on the line.”Rick Grimes

“You’re not safe. No matter how many people are around or how clear the area looks. No matter what anyone says, no matter what you think, you are not safe.”Rick Grimes

Rick Grimes Quotes on Loss and Grief

Rick Grimes’ quotes on loss and grief capture the emotional toll of living in a world where death is omnipresent. These reflections embody the deep personal losses he endures and his journey through pain to find strength. His words offer a poignant look at the human soul, struggling with the realities of loss in a cruel world.

“I’m tired of losing people.”Rick Grimes

“You have to let yourself feel it.”Rick Grimes

“I remember everyone we’ve lost. And I feel the weight of who we’ve become.”Rick Grimes

“It never gets any easier. You just make it work.”Rick Grimes

“You don’t forget the faces of the people who were the last ones you loved.”Rick Grimes

“I see her. In my dreams. She’s always there.”Rick Grimes

“There’s a grief that can’t be spoken. There’s a pain goes on and on.”Rick Grimes

“Some days I think I’m done with it. And then I realize I’m just getting started.”Rick Grimes

“Every time we think it’s the end, it isn’t.”Rick Grimes

“I can’t be who I was. It’s different now.”Rick Grimes

Rick Grimes Quotes on Hope

In the darkest times, Rick Grimes finds a way to speak of hope, a crucial survival tool in the apocalypse. His quotes inspire a belief in the future, showcasing his leadership and his unyielding commitment to carve out a better world against all odds.

“We can still come back. We’re not too far gone.”Rick Grimes

“There’s still a life for us. A place. It’s something more.”Rick Grimes

“We find a way. And if we don’t, we’ll make one.”Rick Grimes

“We’ve all got jobs to do. That’s what keeps us human.”Rick Grimes

“We’re fighting for a chance at a new life. That’s a promise.”Rick Grimes

“You keep going, you make sure you get back.”Rick Grimes

“You fight it. You don’t give up. And then one day, you just change.”Rick Grimes

“We don’t die. Not today. Not like this. We fight.”Rick Grimes

“We’re gonna beat this world, I know it.”Rick Grimes

“This isn’t about what we believe anymore. It’s about them.”Rick Grimes

Rick Grimes Quotes on Change

Change is a constant in the life of Rick Grimes, as he adapts to the shifting landscapes of a post-apocalyptic world. These quotes reflect his evolution from a law enforcement officer to a leader in an unforgiving new world, emphasizing the necessity and impact of change for survival and moral integrity.

“We all change. We all have to, or we risk the worst part of ourselves becoming true.”Rick Grimes

“You change your boots, you change your life.”Rick Grimes

“We’re not too far gone. We get to come back. I know we all can change.”Rick Grimes

“I’m not the same guy I used to be. The world changed and so did I.”Rick Grimes

“It’s not on you to make what’s wrong right, but you gotta make it work for now.”Rick Grimes

“Every day is a chance to change your story.”Rick Grimes

“You don’t get to come back from things. You change into something else.”Rick Grimes

“We change with the world or the world changes us.”Rick Grimes

“We do what we need to do and then we get to live.”Rick Grimes

“This is the new world. You can be a farmer, you can’t just be a farmer.”Rick Grimes

Rick Grimes Quotes on Fear

Fear is a driving force in the survival narrative of Rick Grimes. His quotes delve into facing, understanding, and overcoming fear, a critical component of living amidst constant threats.

“The only thing that makes it okay, the only thing, is that we all feel it.”Rick Grimes

“Fear, it can make you do things you wouldn’t imagine.”Rick Grimes

“We’re all afraid. If you’re not afraid, you’re not paying attention.”Rick Grimes

“You step outside, you risk your life. You take a drink of water, you risk your life.”Rick Grimes

“Facing our fears, finding the courage to face them, that’s how we grow stronger.”Rick Grimes

“You fight it by fighting. Fear isn’t real. It’s a reaction.”Rick Grimes

“Fear can be a powerful tool. It can also make you its prisoner.”Rick Grimes

“If you let fear dictate your decisions, you will die here.”Rick Grimes

“Sometimes we’re so focused on our enemies we forget to watch our own backs.”Rick Grimes

“You tell yourself you’ve mastered it, but all you’ve done is become more accustomed to the fear.”Rick Grimes

Rick Grimes Quotes on Enemies

In a world overrun by walkers and fraught with human conflict, Rick Grimes’ approach to enemies shapes his survival. These quotes reflect his understanding of the blurred lines between friend and foe, the necessity of tough choices, and the impact of these encounters on his leadership and morality.

“You kill or you die. Or you die and you kill.”Rick Grimes

“Just because we’re good people doesn’t mean we won’t kill you.”Rick Grimes

“If they can’t make it, then we’ll just take this place.”Rick Grimes

“I don’t take chances anymore.”Rick Grimes

“We don’t kill the living.”Rick Grimes

“You point a gun at my family, you’re gonna feel it.”Rick Grimes

“Every time we meet one of these groups, we should be looking for a way to exploit them.”Rick Grimes

“They’re gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out… they’re screwing with the wrong people.”Rick Grimes

“There’s us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together, not apart.”Rick Grimes

“You see somebody you love get eaten right in front of your eyes? You’d know how to handle enemies too.”Rick Grimes

Rick Grimes Quotes on Responsibility

Leadership in the post-apocalyptic world comes with immense responsibilities. Rick Grimes often articulates the weight of making decisions that affect the lives of others, guiding his group through unimaginable challenges with a deep sense of duty and moral obligation.

“I’m doing stuff, Lori. Things.”Rick Grimes

“This isn’t a democracy anymore.”Rick Grimes

“I ask you to be the ones who do whatever it takes to keep us safe.”Rick Grimes

“We can make it together, but we can only make it together.”Rick Grimes

“My mercy prevails over my wrath.”Rick Grimes

“We don’t kill the living. That’s right. Until we start living.”Rick Grimes

“It’s all about survival now, at any cost. People are gonna die.”Rick Grimes

“It’s not enough to just survive. You have to be worthy of survival.”Rick Grimes

“We’re all responsible for each other now.”Rick Grimes

“I’m keeping this group together, alive. I would do anything for them.”Rick Grimes

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Final Thoughts

Rick Grimes quotes resonate with a raw and touching clarity, which reflects the themes of endurance, humanity, and resilience.

His words usually serve as a moral anchor for the group, depicting the challenges of maintaining one’s humanity in the face of relentless hardship.

As a leader, Rick’s thoughts reveal the weight of responsibility and the personal toll it takes, howeve, they also highlight his relentless resolve to forge ahead.