113 Best Paulie Walnuts Quotes (with Commentary)

Paulie Walnuts, a cherished and unforgettable character from the critically acclaimed series “The Sopranos,” is popular for his sharp wit, strict behavior, and distinctive perspective on life.

His quotes, often laced with wit and street-smart wisdom, provide a profound insight into his character and the world of organized crime. Paulie’s words echo his loyalty to the mob family, his views on power, friendship, and betrayal, and his philosophic musings on life and survival.

These quotes not only engage but also offer a peek into the intricacies of a character who navigates the risky waters of the mafia with a unique blend of wit and pragmatism.

Top Paulie Walnut Quotes

“I’m like King Midas in reverse. Everything I touch turns to s***.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You don’t got to love me, but you will respect me.” – Paulie Walnuts

“I lived through the ’70s by the skin of my nuts when the cops were comin’ down on the whole thing.” – Paulie Walnuts

“I don’t write nothing down, so I’ll keep it locked up here.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Every time I try to get out, they pull me back in.” – Paulie Walnuts

“A don never wears shorts.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You steer the ship the best way you know. Sometimes it’s smooth. Sometimes you hit the rocks. In the meantime, you find your pleasures where you can.” – Paulie Walnuts

“In my thoughts, I use the technique of positive visualization.” – Paulie Walnuts

“The boss of this family told you you’re gonna be Santa Claus. You’re Santa Claus. So shut the f** up about it.” – Paulie Walnuts*

“A friend of ours is… you know, gay.” – Paulie Walnuts

Also Read: Best Mafia Quotes (with Commentary)

Iconic Paulie Walnut Quotes

“You’re not gonna believe this. He killed 16 Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.” – Paulie Walnuts

“I know you can’t force a vision, so I spoke to my doctor. He said if you start seeing anything, you should contact him.” – Paulie Walnuts

“In our thing, you get sent for, you go in alive, you come out dead, and it’s your best friend that does it.” – Paulie Walnuts

“I don’t care if you’re old, sick, in jail or the grave. When I give you an order, you follow it.” – Paulie Walnuts

“What are you gonna do? You gonna cry now? Crying’s not gonna fix what’s wrong.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Sometimes, I think about how bad things can be. But then I think about what we do have.” – Paulie Walnuts

“That’s the kind of sht you can’t ever put back in the box once it’s out there.” – Paulie Walnuts*

“It’s your mind that gets you killed in this business, not your hands.” – Paulie Walnuts

“We’re like the Roman Empire. The money never runs out, right?” – Paulie Walnuts

“This is the life we chose, the life we lead. And there is only one guarantee: none of us will see heaven.” – Paulie Walnuts

Humorous Paulie Walnut Quotes

“You’re not gonna believe this. He killed 16 Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.” – Paulie Walnuts

“I’m like King Midas in reverse. Everything I touch turns to s**.” – Paulie Walnuts*

“I lived through the ’70s by the skin of my nuts when the cops were comin’ down on the whole thing.” – Paulie Walnuts

“A don never wears shorts.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Every time I try to get out, they pull me back in.” – Paulie Walnuts

“I know you can’t force a vision, so I spoke to my doctor. He said if you start seeing anything, you should contact him.” – Paulie Walnuts

“In my thoughts, I use the technique of positive visualization.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You’re Santa Claus. So shut the f** up about it.” – Paulie Walnuts*

“A friend of ours is… you know, gay.” – Paulie Walnuts

“What are you gonna do? You gonna cry now? Crying’s not gonna fix what’s wrong.” – Paulie Walnuts

Paulie Walnut Quotes on Loyalty

“In our thing, you get sent for, you go in alive, you come out dead, and it’s your best friend that does it.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You steer the ship the best way you know. Sometimes it’s smooth. Sometimes you hit the rocks. In the meantime, you find your pleasures where you can.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Loyalty is everything. Betrayal can never be forgiven.” – Paulie Walnuts

“I don’t care if you’re old, sick, in jail or the grave. When I give you an order, you follow it.” – Paulie Walnuts

“The boss of this family told you you’re gonna be Santa Claus. You’re Santa Claus.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Sometimes, I think about how bad things can be. But then I think about what we do have.” – Paulie Walnuts

“That’s the kind of sht you can’t ever put back in the box once it’s out there.” – Paulie Walnuts*

“It’s your mind that gets you killed in this business, not your hands.” – Paulie Walnuts

“This is the life we chose, the life we lead. And there is only one guarantee: none of us will see heaven.” – Paulie Walnuts

“A true friend is one who stands by you, no matter what. Loyalty above all else.” – Paulie Walnuts

Philosophical Paulie Walnut Quotes

“You steer the ship the best way you know. Sometimes it’s smooth. Sometimes you hit the rocks. In the meantime, you find your pleasures where you can.” – Paulie Walnuts

“In my thoughts, I use the technique of positive visualization.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Sometimes, I think about how bad things can be. But then I think about what we do have.” – Paulie Walnuts

“It’s your mind that gets you killed in this business, not your hands.” – Paulie Walnuts

“We’re like the Roman Empire. The money never runs out, right?” – Paulie Walnuts

“This is the life we chose, the life we lead. And there is only one guarantee: none of us will see heaven.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Every time I try to get out, they pull me back in.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You steer the ship the best way you know. Sometimes it’s smooth, sometimes you hit the rocks.” – Paulie Walnuts

“That’s the kind of sht you can’t ever put back in the box once it’s out there.” – Paulie Walnuts*

“Life is full of decisions, some of them easy, some of them hard. Just make sure you make them.” – Paulie Walnuts

Paulie Walnut Quotes on Family

“A don never wears shorts.” – Paulie Walnuts

“The boss of this family told you you’re gonna be Santa Claus. You’re Santa Claus. So shut the f** up about it.” – Paulie Walnuts*

“In our thing, you get sent for, you go in alive, you come out dead, and it’s your best friend that does it.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Loyalty is everything. Betrayal can never be forgiven.” – Paulie Walnuts

“I don’t care if you’re old, sick, in jail or the grave. When I give you an order, you follow it.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Family is more than blood. It’s about loyalty and trust.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Sometimes, I think about how bad things can be. But then I think about what we do have.” – Paulie Walnuts

“A true friend is one who stands by you, no matter what. Loyalty above all else.” – Paulie Walnuts

“The silence of a deadbeat dad is filled with the echoes of his regrets.” – Paulie Walnuts

“In our business, family comes first. Always.” – Paulie Walnuts

Tough Guy Paulie Walnut Quotes

“You mess with me, you’re messing with the best.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Hey, I’ve been in this business a long time. Nobody lays a hand on me. Nobody.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You see this? This is not just a wing. It’s my badge of honor.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Let me tell ya something. In this world, you gotta be tough or you get crushed.” – Paulie Walnuts

“This life of ours, it’s a jungle. And I’m one of the lions.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You think you’re the first one to point a gun at me? You better make sure you kill me.” – Paulie Walnuts

“I’m not just some guy you can push around. I push back, and I push hard.” – Paulie Walnuts

“In this life, you either eat or you get eaten. And I ain’t never been on the menu.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You wanna dance? I’ll lead.” – Paulie Walnuts

“I got no fear. Fear’s for the other guy.” – Paulie Walnuts

Paulie Walnut Quotes on Friendship

“In our thing, friendship is thicker than blood.” – Paulie Walnuts

“A friend of ours is a friend forever. As long as you don’t cross me.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You need friends in this life like a car needs gas. Otherwise, you’re not going nowhere.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Remember this: your real friends, they’ll stick with you, no matter what.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Me and my friends, we stick together like glue. And to those who cross us? We stick to them too, but not in a good way.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Friendship is like money, easier made than kept. But loyalty? That’s the hard currency here.” – Paulie Walnuts

“In this world, a true friend never stabs you in the back. They stab you in the front, so you see it coming.” – Paulie Walnuts

“The ones who stay by your side when things go south? They’re the keepers.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You show loyalty to your friends and they’ll show it back tenfold.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Friends in our line of work are like diamonds: rare and valuable.” – Paulie Walnuts

Paulie Walnut Quotes on Betrayal

“In our thing, betrayal is worse than death. You don’t recover from it.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Once a friend turns on you, it’s like a knife in your heart that can’t be pulled out.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Betrayal? It’s the lowest form of human behavior, and it’s unforgivable.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You betray me, you betray yourself, because you lose my trust forever.” – Paulie Walnuts

“A rat dies a thousand deaths, a loyal man only one.” – Paulie Walnuts

“In this life, you trust someone, and you’re giving them a bullet for your gun. Hope they don’t load it and shoot you with it.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Betrayal is like a roach. Once you see one, there are hundreds behind the walls.” – Paulie Walnuts

“The thing about betrayal is that it never comes from an enemy. It comes from those you trust the most.” – Paulie Walnuts

“A traitor in our midst is worse than an enemy at our gate.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Once you break that code of honor, there’s no going back.” – Paulie Walnuts

Paulie Walnut Quotes on Power

“Power isn’t just about money or muscle. It’s about fear and respect.” – Paulie Walnuts

“In our world, power is like a crown made of glass. Handle it carefully, or it shatters.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You wear the crown, you bear the weight. That’s power, and it’s heavy.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Power means you can do what you want when you want. But remember, with power comes enemies.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Having power means you’re at the top. Staying there? That’s the hard part.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Power’s like a drug. The more you have, the more you want. And it’s just as dangerous.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You think power’s just given? No, it’s taken. With both hands, and a lot of grit.” – Paulie Walnuts

“The true test of power isn’t how you gain it, but how you use it.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Real power is when people listen when you speak, and shudder when you’re silent.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Power in the wrong hands is like a gun with a loose trigger. It’s bound to hurt someone.” – Paulie Walnuts

Paulie Walnut Quotes on Money

“Money’s not just green paper. It’s the blood of this thing of ours.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You see this? This is not just money. It’s power, it’s everything.” – Paulie Walnuts

“In this world, you’re nothing without money. Remember that.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Money talks. Everything else walks.” – Paulie Walnuts

“They say money can’t buy happiness. They’ve never had enough of it.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and your money closest.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Money’s not everything but it ranks right up there with oxygen.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You think money’s dirty? Try poverty.” – Paulie Walnuts

“In our business, you learn to count your money, not your friends.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Money is the glue in this life. Without it, everything falls apart.” – Paulie Walnuts

Paulie Walnut Quotes on Survival

“In our world, you either eat or you get eaten. That’s survival.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Survival ain’t just about living. It’s about living on your terms.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You want to survive in this game? Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Every day you wake up is another day you’ve survived. Make it count.” – Paulie Walnuts

“In this business, your next breath is never guaranteed. That’s why you gotta fight for every one of them.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Survival in this life is about more than just brute strength. It’s about smarts.” – Paulie Walnuts

“The key to survival? Never show your full hand.” – Paulie Walnuts

“You survive by remembering who your friends are, but even more by remembering who they’re not.” – Paulie Walnuts

“Surviving in this world means knowing when to fight and when to walk away.” – Paulie Walnuts

“To survive here, you have to embrace the madness, not let it scare you.” – Paulie Walnuts

Also Read: Talking Behind My Back Quotes (with Commentary)

Final Thoughts

Paulie Walnut quotes are proof to the rich, multifaceted nature of his character in “The Sopranos.”

Through his unforgettable lines, Paulie leaves an enduring impression, mixing humor, loyalty, and a rigid exterior with moments of surprising depth and reflection. His quotes capture the meaning of life in the mob, bringing out the challenges and contradictions innate in that world.

Whether he’s making you laugh with his unusual humor or reflecting on profound themes, Paulie’s words resonate with viewers, reminding you of the lasting appeal of his character and the enduring effect of his role in one of television’s greatest dramas.

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