113 Best Homecoming Quotes (with Commentary)

Homecoming is a treasured tradition that brings together students, alumni, and the school community to commemorate school spirit, friendships, and the happiness of being part of a shared history.

Homecoming quotes summarizes the excitement, and nostalgia of this special event.

Whether you’re looking for the perfect Instagram caption or a striking line to convey your emotions, these quotes can add a touch of inspiration and humor to your homecoming experience.

Top Homecoming Quotes

Homecoming is a time of reflection, joy, and celebration of returns. It captures the essence of home’s enduring call and the comfort it provides. Here are ten quotes that beautifully capture the spirit of homecoming.

“Homecoming unites the past and the present.”Henry Rollins

“The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back.”Wendy Wunder

“Home is where one starts from.”T.S. Eliot

“You can go other places, all right—you can live on the other side of the world, but you can’t ever leave home.”Sue Monk Kidd

“No matter how far we come, our parents are always in us.”Brad Meltzer

“Coming home to my family afterward makes the work richer, easier and more fun.”Edie Falco

“The thrill of coming home has never changed.”Guy Pearce

“Homecoming means coming home to what is in your heart.”Author Unknown

“Open your heart and your home; let it be a haven for the homeless, an oasis for the weary, and a place of comfort for the needy.”Thomas S. Monson

“Home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling.”Cecelia Ahern

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Inspirational Homecoming Quotes

Homecoming not only brings us back to familiar places but inspires us to appreciate and reflect on our journeys. These quotes inspire us to see homecoming not just as a return, but as a new beginning.

“Homecomings are the necessary rituals to highlight the beauty of our absence and presence.”Rupi Kaur

“Every homecoming brings with it a new chapter of life to read.”Anonymous

“Homecoming is a single word, and we use it to explain a thousand different moments of life.”Jason F. Wright

“We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there.”Pascal Mercier

“The joy of meeting and the sorrow of separation … we should welcome these gifts … with our whole soul, and experience to the full, and with the same gratitude, all the sweet and bitter moments of our beloved reunions.”Maria Montessori

“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do. When you come home, bring that beauty with you.”Rumi

“Returning home is the most difficult part of long-distance hiking; You have grown outside the puzzle and your piece no longer fits.”Cindy Ross

“Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition.”James Baldwin

“Sometimes you have to travel back in time, skirting the obstacles, in order to love someone.”Frances Mayes

“And like tea dissolving in hot water, the sun dissolved in the sky… creating a velvet horizon, announcing for the stars’ night dance with the moon, the awaited joy of reunion.”Abeer Allan

Funny Homecoming Quotes

Homecoming isn’t just a return to familiarity; it’s a time ripe for humor as we revisit old haunts and faces. Enjoy these humorous takes on the concept of coming home.

“Homecoming: the only time you can’t decide if you’re too old for a toga.”Tina Fey

“Returning home is like jogging your memory and realizing the track shrunk in the wash.”Steve Martin

“Home is where you can say anything you like because nobody listens to you anyway.”Roseanne Barr

“Homecoming’s great unless your team is so bad, the other team tries to catch up on reading.”Ellen DeGeneres

“They say you can’t go home again; well, I just landed at the airport and I beg to differ.”Conan O’Brien

“Homecoming: A time to see who’s gotten bald and who’s gotten a Ph.D.”Jimmy Fallon

“I thought I was prom king, but it turns out my crown was just nostalgia.”Jon Stewart

“You know you’re in for a real homecoming when even your GPS sounds skeptical.”Jerry Seinfeld

“Homecoming dance: where I learn that I still can’t dance.”Kevin Hart

“Coming home is when I switch from ‘best behavior’ to ‘weird is the norm’.”Jim Gaffigan

Nostalgic Homecoming Quotes

Homecoming evokes a deep sense of nostalgia, recalling memories of laughter, youth, and simpler times. These quotes delve into the profound emotional resonance of returning home.

“Nothing is as comfortable as returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.”Nelson Mandela

“The return makes one love the farewell.”Alfred de Musset

“Homecoming is a single word, packed with the weight of countless memories.”Maya Angelou

“The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”Maya Angelou

“We cannot recover the old home until we see it from afar.”J.R.R. Tolkien

“Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days.”Doug Larson

“A trip to nostalgia now and then is good for the spirit.”Dan Bartolovic

“Going home and spending time with your family and your real friends keeps you grounded.”Jennifer Ellison

“Homecoming means football, festivities, and finding out if your high school sweetheart is now the town doctor or the town drunk.”Jill Shalvis

“It’s funny how, when you’re a kid, you feel like time is stuck in place, then when you look away, it’s twenty years later.”James Wan

Dance-Themed Homecoming Quotes

The dance at homecoming isn’t just a gathering; it’s a vibrant celebration of youth and nostalgia. Here are ten quotes that capture the lively spirit of the homecoming dance.

“Dance like the whole school is watching and you’ve got the best moves.”Ellen DeGeneres

“Homecoming dance: where every step tells a story of reunion and joy.”Mikhail Baryshnikov

“Let’s dance and forget the world, just tonight.”Shakira

“At homecoming, every dance step relives a memory.”Paulo Coelho

“The best homecoming dances are filled with laughter and silly dance moves.”Jennifer Lawrence

“Spin around, let loose, and let the homecoming spirit move you.”Justin Timberlake

“Homecoming is the night when even the shyest feet decide to dance.”Emma Watson

“Dancing under the homecoming lights, creating memories for a lifetime.”Beyoncé

“Let the rhythm of homecoming fill your heart and your dancing shoes.”Bruno Mars

“Homecoming: the perfect excuse to dance the night away with old friends.”Taylor Swift

Friendship Homecoming Quotes

Homecoming brings friends together, rekindling bonds that time and distance may have stretched. Here are ten quotes that reflect on the enduring nature of friendship celebrated during homecoming.

“Homecoming isn’t just a return to a place, but a gathering of hearts.”Oprah Winfrey

“The joy of meeting and the sorrow of separation, all felt at homecoming.”Charles Dickens

“True friends are never apart; maybe in distance, but never at heart. Homecoming proves it.”Helen Keller

“Reunited, and it feels so good. That’s what homecoming is about.”Peaches & Herb

“Coming home to friends is the sweetest type of homecoming.”Audrey Hepburn

“Each homecoming brings us back to friendships that know no distance.”Mark Twain

“Homecoming: where old friendships pick right back up where they left off.”Jane Austen

“Friendships renewed, laughter echoed, homecoming is truly a feast of joy.”William Shakespeare

“There’s nothing like a homecoming to renew the ties that bind us.”Benjamin Franklin

“At homecoming, every hug, every laugh, and every story is a testament to friendships that withstand time.”Maya Angelou

School Spirit Homecoming Quotes

Homecoming is a vibrant celebration of school pride and spirit, rekindling the fire of alumni loyalty and current student enthusiasm. Here are ten quotes that embody the energy and pride of school spirit during homecoming week.

“The spirit of homecoming is painted in our school colors.”Tom Brokaw

“Cheer loud, cheer proud, let’s lift the crowd!”Lou Holtz

“Homecoming: Where past and present meet on the field of tradition.”Erin Gruwell

“When you say ‘homecoming,’ you speak of traditions that last a lifetime.”Sean Astin

“School spirit isn’t just about going to the games, it’s about knowing you’re part of something bigger.”Kirk Herbstreit

“There’s no halftime for school spirit!”Condoleezza Rice

“Paint your pride, wear your passion. It’s homecoming!”Drew Barrymore

“A school’s spirit lives in its homecoming; its heart beats in its halls.”Mia Hamm

“Let’s bring the spirit, ignite the crowd, and show what our school is all about!”Peyton Manning

“Homecoming: The perfect time to honor old traditions and start new ones.”J.J. Watt

Romantic Homecoming Quotes

Homecoming can also be a deeply romantic time, as many return to the places where old flames were kindled or where current loves are celebrated. Here are ten romantic homecoming quotes that capture the magic of love during this special season.

“Coming home to you is always the highlight of my year.”Nicholas Sparks

“Every dance with you feels like a homecoming of hearts.”Julia Quinn

“Your hand in mine, our footprints align, homecoming with you is divine.”John Green

“The stars at homecoming shine brighter when you’re with the one you love.”Cassandra Clare

“Homecoming is not just about the place, it’s about returning to the heart of our love.”Kiera Cass

“Every return to you is a homecoming of the heart.”Nora Roberts

“At homecoming, every slow dance is a step back to our first embrace.”Lauren Kate

“Your smile lights up the homecoming night more than any bonfire.”Sarah Dessen

“Homecoming: A celebration of love found, cherished, and renewed.”Jojo Moyes

“Walking into homecoming with you is like stepping into a love story.”Nicholas Sparks

Homecoming Quotes for Kings and Queens

Being crowned at homecoming is a moment of recognition and celebration. Here are ten quotes that resonate with the honor and joy of becoming homecoming royalty.

“To wear the crown is to bear the responsibility of tradition and spirit.”LeBron James

“Being crowned isn’t about ruling, it’s about inspiring.”Serena Williams

“The crown on your head is less important than the community in your heart.”Oprah Winfrey

“Wearing this crown means standing tall for all, not just for one.”Denzel Washington

“A true king’s crown isn’t made of gold, but of love and respect from his peers.”Morgan Freeman

“A queen leads by example and lifts up those around her.”Beyoncé

“Homecoming royalty: A nod to your spirit, not just your popularity.”Taylor Swift

“The crown isn’t heavy when it’s worn for the right reasons.”Barack Obama

“As homecoming king/queen, you’re a leader for a night and a role model forever.”Emma Watson

“This crown is a commitment to represent our school with pride and dignity.”Chris Evans

Romantic Homecoming Quotes

Homecoming is not just a festive return to one’s alma mater; it’s often a backdrop for romantic moments under the autumn sky. Here are ten quotes that capture the essence of romantic feelings at homecoming.

“Homecoming is the perfect time to fall in love—or to fall in love all over again.”Nicholas Sparks

“Dancing with you at homecoming is like finding our song in every tune.”John Green

“Under the homecoming stars, I found my heart where I left it—in your hands.”Cassandra Clare

“Homecoming isn’t just a dance, but a time when the heart finds its way home.”Kiera Cass

“Every look shared during a slow dance is a promise of a thousand more.”Nora Roberts

“At homecoming, every dance step is a sweet word whispered.”Lauren Kate

“Homecoming: A night when love shines brighter than the disco ball.”Sarah Dessen

“Returning to where we began, just to find each other again.”Jojo Moyes

“Your hand in mine, our laughter blending with the music—it’s homecoming magic.”Jodi Picoult

“In the glow of the homecoming bonfire, my only wish is a dance with you.”Gayle Forman

Quotes for Homecoming Proposals

Asking someone to homecoming is a big moment. Here are ten quotes that blend creativity, charm, and a touch of sweetness, perfect for making that special homecoming proposal memorable.

“Will you make my night unforgettable by being my date to homecoming?”Zac Efron

“Can I tie your shoe? Because I don’t want you falling for anyone else but me at homecoming.”Tom Holland

“Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile. Homecoming?”Ryan Reynolds

“I know it’s cheesy, but I think we’d look gouda together at homecoming!”Chris Pratt

“If you were a fruit, you’d be a fineapple. Homecoming with me?”Dwayne Johnson

“You must be made of copper and tellurium because you’re Cu-Te. Homecoming?”Robert Downey Jr.

“Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes. Lead the way to homecoming with me?”Brad Pitt

“Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears. Be my date?”David Blaine

“If stars would fall every time I would think of you, the sky would soon be empty. So, homecoming?”Neil deGrasse Tyson

“My heart skips a beat every time I see you. Want to dance it back into rhythm at homecoming?”Justin Timberlake

Homecoming Quotes for Instagram

Capturing the spirit of homecoming on Instagram requires the perfect caption. Here are ten quotes that are perfect for accompanying your festive, spirited, or sentimental homecoming posts.

“Homecoming: More than a dance, it’s where memories are made.”Selena Gomez

“Starry nights and high school lights. #Homecoming2023”Ariana Grande

“Back on the field, back with the squad. #HomecomingSpirit”LeBron James

“Dressed up, buttoned down, time to take the crown. #HomecomingKing”Harry Styles

“From hallway to ballroom, this is our night to shine. #HomecomingDance”Taylor Swift

“Throwback to the bleachers, forward to the dance floor. #HomecomingWeek”Shawn Mendes

“Squad goals met. Homecoming goals set. #BestNightEver”Beyoncé

“Catching feels in my homecoming heels. #DanceTheNightAway”Rihanna

“This is our night, let’s light up the sky. #Homecoming2023”Drake

“Twirling into homecoming like… #HighSchoolForever”Katy Perry

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Final Thoughts

Homecoming quotes serve as a lovely reminder of the joy, laughter, and unity that this event brings.

From the witty and funny to the heartfelt and nostalgic, these quotes emphasize the magic of homecoming.

They help you celebrate the memories you’ve  made, the friendships you’ve held dear, and the school spirit that unites you.