115 Best Holy Saturday Quotes (with Commentary)

Holy Saturday holds a unique place in the Holy Week observances, marking a day of quiet reflection and anticipation between the sorrow of Good Friday and the joy of Easter Sunday.

It’s a day when you might find yourself contemplating deeper spiritual truths and the profound mysteries of life, death, and resurrection.

Holy Saturday quotes capture these emotions and thoughts, offering insights and reflections that resonate with the solemnity and hope of this day.

Top Holy Saturday Quotes

Holy Saturday holds a profound place in the hearts of many, marking a day of quiet reflection between the sorrow of Good Friday and the joy of Easter Sunday. These quotes capture the essence of this sacred pause, reflecting on its deep spiritual significance.

Today we remember God’s great love for us. May this day bring new meaning and change in our lives. Wishing all a blessed Holy Saturday.– Unknown

The joyful news that He is risen does not change the contemporary world. Still before us lie work, discipline, sacrifice. But the fact of Easter gives us the spiritual power to do the work, accept the discipline, and make the sacrifice.Henry Knox Sherrill

Holy Saturday: a celebration of the silence of God.– Unknown

Between the sorrow of the Good Friday and the joy of Easter Sunday, we find the silence of Jesus in the tomb on Holy Saturday.– Unknown

Holy Saturday is the day to remember and reflect on what we believe in the depths of our being: that the darkest hour is just before the dawn.– Unknown

Let the silence of Mary in the Holy Saturday be a powerful intercession in moments of despair and loss.– Unknown

On Holy Saturday, we are caught between despair and hope. It is a time to remember those who have left us and await the hope of resurrection.– Unknown

This is the day when the whole world waits in stillness for the resurrection.– Unknown

Holy Saturday is a reminder of the threshold between doubt and faith, when we wait in spiritual darkness for the light of Easter.– Unknown

The tomb is empty because He is risen. But today, we feel the silence of the tomb and the emptiness of our hearts.– Unknown

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Holy Saturday Quotes on Silence and Solitude

The quiet of Holy Saturday offers a sacred space for contemplation and spiritual renewal. These quotes delve into the profound peace and solitude that define this day, emphasizing its role in the Easter triduum.

Holy Saturday: a day of silence, spent in reflection and prayer, awaiting the resurrection.– Unknown

In the silence of Holy Saturday, we touch the depth of Christ’s suffering and await the hope of the Resurrection.– Unknown

Let the stillness of Holy Saturday fill your soul with peace.– Unknown

The silent cross of Holy Saturday beckons us to still our hearts as we await the triumph of Easter.– Unknown

Holy Saturday teaches us the necessity of faith when light gives way to darkness and joy gives way to sorrow.– Unknown

On Holy Saturday, the world stops to listen for the sound of resurrection.– Unknown

In the solitude of Holy Saturday, we find the strength to continue our journey to Easter.– Unknown

The quiet of Holy Saturday is a reminder to slow down, reflect, and prepare for the joy to come.– Unknown

Let us embrace the silent waiting of Holy Saturday as a sacred observance, preparing our hearts for the joy of Easter.– Unknown

Holy Saturday’s silence is the silence of the tomb, but also the expectant silence of imminent resurrection.– Unknown

Holy Saturday Quotes on Hope and Anticipation

Holy Saturday is a poignant day in the Christian calendar that symbolizes the quiet promise of resurrection and renewal. Here are some quotes from notable individuals that echo the hope and anticipation inherent to this sacred day.

We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.– Pope John Paul II

Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.– Martin Luther

Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.– Pope John Paul II

Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness and weakness and despair to strength and beauty and happiness.– Floyd W. Tomkins

The great gift of Easter is hope – Christian hope which makes us have that confidence in God, in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing can shake.– Basil Hume

Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.– Janine di Giovanni

Most people have forgotten nowadays what a house can mean, though some of us have come to realize it as never before. It is a kingdom of its own in the midst of the world, a stronghold amid life’s storms and stresses, a refuge, even a sanctuary.– Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Saturday silence will teach us no song is so sweet as that sung in heaven.– St. Romanos the Melodist

Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.– Charles M. Crowe

The story of Easter is the story of God’s wonderful window of divine surprise.– Carl Knudsen

Holy Saturday Quotes on Faith and Trust

Holy Saturday is also a day of deep reflection on faith and trust in the divine plan. These quotes from well-known spiritual and religious figures reflect on the significance of faith and trust during times of waiting and uncertainty.

Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.– D. Elton Trueblood

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.– Saint Augustine

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.– Corrie ten Boom

Trust the past to the mercy of God, the present to His love, and the future to His providence.– Augustine of Hippo

To trust God in the light is nothing, but trust him in the dark—that is faith.– Charles Spurgeon

God does not leave us comfortless, but we have to take comfort; He does not leave us alone, but we have to rely on His presence.– Charles H. Brent

The very essence of our faith is the awareness that we are not alone in the universe. God cares for us and sustains us.– Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort, and letting it be there until some light returns.– Anne Lamott

Let your hope, not your hurts, shape your future.– Robert H. Schuller

We must trust God with what we can’t control.– David Wilkerson

Holy Saturday Quotes on Spiritual Reflection

Holy Saturday offers a profound opportunity for spiritual reflection as believers contemplate the silence of the tomb and the promise of resurrection. These quotes from various thinkers and spiritual leaders illuminate the introspective nature of this sacred day.

Holy Saturday is a day of quiet meditation as we contemplate the mystery of death, and as we wait for the promise of the Resurrection.– Pope Francis

On Holy Saturday we are in the presence of the death of Christ. This is the day when the Church reflects in deep silence on the profundity of His sacrifice.– Pope Benedict XVI

Let us not rush to the joy of Easter without mourning what had to die for us to live. This is a day for inner reflection and hope.– Joan D. Chittister

This silent day of the Triduum can be a day to let our words be few and our emotions ample.– Max Lucado

On this holy day, we reflect on the world’s condition of suffering and the silence of God in the tomb of Christ.– Rowan Williams

In the heart of every person, there exists a silent pulse of perfect rhythm which is absolutely individual and unique, and yet which connects us to everything else.– George Leonard

Holy Saturday: the pause to reflect, the moment to reconsider, the time to reassess, the hour before we start again.– Phyllis Tickle

This is the quiet time, the time of forceful, not external, activity, the time when the soul grows in power.– Katherine Anne Porter

The stillness of Holy Saturday is a reminder to practice reflection and prepare our hearts for the joy that is to come.– Henri Nouwen

Let us linger in the shadows of Holy Saturday to truly appreciate the light of Easter Day.– Timothy Radcliffe

Holy Saturday Quotes on the Mystery of Salvation

Holy Saturday embodies the profound mystery of salvation, marking the pivotal moment between crucifixion and resurrection. These quotes delve into the theological and spiritual significance of this transition, offering insights into the depth of God’s redemptive plan.

The great mystery of Holy Saturday is the mystery of divine silence. It is a holy silence; it is a thoughtful silence.– Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

The mystery of Holy Saturday is the mystery of faith when light fades and hope seems lost.– T.D. Jakes

On Holy Saturday, we are witnessing the God of Life experiencing death. This is the center of the mystery of salvation.– Thomas Merton

Salvation is revealed through suffering. Holy Saturday embodies the ultimate paradox of God’s mystery.– Richard Rohr

Today Christ’s body lies in the tomb, but His work of salvation still echoes through time and space.– Billy Graham

Holy Saturday reminds us that in our darkest hours, the greatest love is being prepared.– Pope Francis

The silence of the tomb is not absence but the deepest moment of God’s presence.– Rowan Williams

Holy Saturday faith is learning to stand and wait, to endure without closure, patience without fulfillment, and to accept the struggle without understanding.– Ronald Rolheiser

In our waiting, God does His most divine work. Holy Saturday’s silence is God crafting our salvation.– Unknown

The silent grave can teach us more than the echoing halls of triumph.– Charles H. Spurgeon

Holy Saturday Quotes on the Power of Prayer

On Holy Saturday, the power of prayer takes a profound role as believers reflect on the silence and sacrifice of Jesus. These quotes emphasize the strength and solace found in prayer during this solemn day.

Prayer is where the action is.– John Wesley

Holy Saturday teaches us to pray with a heart waiting for God’s voice.– Timothy Keller

On this day, our prayers reach deep into the heart of God’s silence.– Pope John Paul II

The fervent prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.– James 5:16

Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance but laying hold of His willingness.– Martin Luther

Holy Saturday’s silence is God’s invitation for us to pray deeper.– Pope Francis

In the quiet of Holy Saturday, let our prayers be the light that prepares us for the glory of Easter.– Henri Nouwen

Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays.– Søren Kierkegaard

Let us find our consolation in the prayer that awaits the hope of resurrection.– Dietrich Bonhoeffer

On Holy Saturday, our prayer is to wait in hope, even when we cannot see the dawn.– Rowan Williams

Holy Saturday Quotes on Darkness and Light

Holy Saturday embodies the thematic interplay of darkness and light, representing the transition from the despair of the crucifixion to the promise of resurrection. These quotes reflect on the profound spiritual significance of this transformation.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.– Martin Luther King Jr.

Holy Saturday is like watching dawn break through the darkness; a reminder that light always returns.– Joan Chittister

In our darkest moments, we must focus to see the light.– Aristotle Onassis

Holy Saturday: the night grows darkest just before dawn. Let us be people of hope.– Pope John Paul II

Out of darkness comes light, a twilight unto the heights! Crown the world with the grace and might of thy shadowless light!Rabindranath Tagore

The darkness of Holy Saturday is necessary to understand the light of Easter.– Pope Francis

Holy Saturday: a reminder that the darkest hour is just before the dawn, and that even the most profound darkness cannot overcome the light.– Desmond Tutu

Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.– Rabindranath Tagore

This is the day that intercedes between darkness and light, despair and hope.– Walter Brueggemann

Holy Saturday: where the darkness of the tomb and the brightness of the resurrection are closest, where we wait in hope.– Rowan Williams

Holy Saturday Quotes on Patience and Waiting

Holy Saturday embodies the virtue of patience as believers worldwide hold vigil, awaiting the resurrection. This day teaches us about the power of waiting with a purpose, even in a state of uncertainty and contemplation. These quotes reflect on the significance of patience and the transformative waiting that Holy Saturday represents.

All human wisdom is summed up in two words; wait and hope.– Alexandre Dumas

Patience is the companion of wisdom.– Saint Augustine

The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.– Arnold H. Glasow

Holy Saturday: a day of quiet anticipation, where patience is not just waiting, but actively believing in the glory to come.– Henri Nouwen

Our patience will achieve more than our force.– Edmund Burke

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Holy Saturday reminds us that the longer we wait for something, the more we appreciate it when it arrives.– Bishop T.D. Jakes

Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.– Phillips Brooks

On Holy Saturday, we’re reminded that when things feel desolate, patience cultivates hope and resurrection.– Pope Francis

Patience is the art of hoping.– Luc de Clapiers

Holy Saturday Quotes on Sacrifice and Redemption

Holy Saturday stands as a profound testament to the themes of sacrifice and redemption, marking a pivotal moment in Christian theology. These quotes delve into the depth of sacrifice Christ made and the ultimate redemption that follows, offering a reflection on their eternal impact.

To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.– Steve Prefontaine

Holy Saturday honors the ultimate sacrifice and prepares our hearts for the joy of redemption.– Pope John Paul II

Sacrifice is a part of life. It’s supposed to be. It’s not something to regret. It’s something to aspire to.– Mitch Albom

Redemption, n. Deliverance of sinners from the penalty of their sin through their murder of the deity against whom they sinned.– Ambrose Bierce

The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.– Gaylord Nelson

The practice of sacrifice is a sacred act of reuniting with our true selves and our relationship with the Divine.– Caroline Myss

Every act of redemption, great or small, has its own value and cannot be weighed by human standards.– Pope Benedict XVI

The greatest test of faith is when you don’t get what you want but still, you are able to say thank you Lord.– Unknown

Sacrifice and suffering are not the end, but the means to an end of redemption and resurrection.– Timothy Keller

On Holy Saturday, we remember that the road to salvation passes through sacrifice.– Cardinal Sean O’Malley

Holy Saturday Quotes on the Paschal Mystery

The Paschal Mystery encompasses the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Holy Saturday stands as a profound emblem of this mystery, reflecting on the transformation from death to life. These quotes explore the depth of this central Christian doctrine, emphasizing its significance and impact.

The Paschal Mystery is the cornerstone of our faith, and Holy Saturday is the silent witness to this transformative event.– Pope Benedict XVI

Holy Saturday is God’s reminder that when things seem over, new life emerges from the ashes of our hopes.– Cardinal Seán O’Malley

This is the night when Jesus takes our sorrows upon Himself and teaches us to trust even when hope seems lost.– Thomas Merton

We live because He dies; we rise because He falls; we are redeemed because He suffers.– Max Lucado

The Paschal Mystery affirms that beyond death there is a life in God.– Rowan Williams

Holy Saturday: the silent refrain between the sorrowful dirge of Good Friday and the joyful alleluias of Easter.– N.T. Wright

In the stillness of Holy Saturday, we ponder the inexpressible mystery of Christ’s redemptive suffering.– Pope John Paul II

The grave is but a natural process in the immortal guest that is going to live forever.– Norman Vincent Peale

Holy Saturday’s pause invites us to reflect on the depth and breadth of the Paschal Mystery.– Timothy Radcliffe

Christ’s work of redemption reaches its pinnacle during the silence and mystery of this holy day.– Scott Hahn

Holy Saturday Quotes on Peace and Serenity

Holy Saturday, with its profound stillness and reflection, invites us into a space of peace and serenity. These quotes from various figures reflect on finding tranquility and solace in the quiet moments of this sacred day.

Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ.– Wilhelm Busch

Let the peace of this Holy Saturday calm your spirit as we await the resurrection promised by God.– Henri Nouwen

Today, embrace the silence, let it teach you the peace of inner serenity.– Mother Teresa

In the quiet of Holy Saturday, let us find the deep peace that comes from trusting in God’s word.– Billy Graham

Holy Saturday teaches us that after hardship, peace is not only possible but promised.– Desmond Tutu

Serenity comes from the silence of the heart, just as it dwells in the silence of Holy Saturday.– Thomas Keating

The silence of this day is a gentle reminder of the peaceful calm that faith in God can bring.– Pope Francis

Let Holy Saturday be a day of peace for your soul, as calm and serene as the quiet of a morning dawn.– Joel Osteen

On Holy Saturday, we are reminded that the peace we desire begins with a quiet moment of faith.– Joyce Meyer

Allow the serene spirit of Holy Saturday to fill your heart with the peace that surpasses understanding.– Max Lucado

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Final Thoughts

Holy Saturday invites you into a space of silence and waiting, a rare pause in the hustle of everyday life to reflect on deeper spiritual realities.

The quotes associated with Holy Saturday provide you with words to meditate on as you prepare for the celebration of resurrection.

They remind you of the silent work of transformation that occurs in hidden depths, much like the unseen moment of Christ’s victory over death.