113 Best Cruella Deville Quotes (with Commentary)

Cruella Deville, one of Disney’s most iconic villains, is famous for her vivid style, ruthless ambition, and sharp humor.

Her character, whether in the initial 101 Dalmatians or the more current Cruella film, is characterized by remarkable lines that capture her unique combination of charm and menace.

“Cruella Deville quotes” offer a peek into her twisted worldview, showcasing her passion for fashion, her relentless pursuit of power, and her unapologetic embrace of her ruthless nature.

Top Cruella Deville Quotes

Cruella Deville, known for her flamboyant personality and wicked demeanor, has delivered some of the most memorable lines in cinematic history. Here are some of her top quotes that capture her essence perfectly.

“More good women have been lost to marriage than to war, famine, disease and disaster. You have talent, darling. Don’t squander it.”Cruella Deville

“You fools! You… you idiots! Imbeciles!”Cruella Deville

“I live for fur, I worship fur. After all, is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesn’t?”Cruella Deville

“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“Anita, darling!”Cruella Deville

“We’re going to make coats out of them. Ahhh! I love it.”Cruella Deville

“I don’t care how you kill the little beasts, just do it, and do it now!”Cruella Deville

“You idiots! You… you fools! Ahhh, the devil take it, they’re mongrels! No spots! No spots at all! What a horrid little white rat!”Cruella Deville

“You idiots! You… you imbeciles! Oh, no!”Cruella Deville

“All right, keep the little beasts. Do what you like with them. Drown them for all I care.”Cruella Deville

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Cruella Deville Quotes on Fashion

Cruella Deville’s fashion sense is as bold and dramatic as her personality. These quotes highlight her passion for style and her relentless pursuit of the ultimate fashion statement.

“I live for fur. I worship fur. Is there a woman in this wretched world who doesn’t?”Cruella Deville

“I am woman, hear me roar.”Cruella Deville

“You know, I’m beginning to see spots.”Cruella Deville

“Fur is my absolute dream. It’s my ultimate fashion.”Cruella Deville

“I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“You may have won the battle, but I’m about to win the wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“It’s not just fashion, it’s a way of life.”Cruella Deville

“I live for fur. I worship fur.”Cruella Deville

“Fashion is my armor to survive the reality of everyday life.”Cruella Deville

Cruella Deville Quotes on Ambition

Cruella Deville’s ambition is as fierce as her fashion sense. These quotes showcase her relentless drive and determination to achieve her goals, no matter the cost.

“More good women have been lost to marriage than to war, famine, disease and disaster. You have talent, darling. Don’t squander it.”Cruella Deville

“I am woman, hear me roar.”Cruella Deville

“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“I live for fur. I worship fur. Is there a woman in this wretched world who doesn’t?”Cruella Deville

“You may have won the battle, but I’m about to win the wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“Anita, darling, this is serious! My entire reason for living is to have the most fabulous wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“Fur is my absolute dream. It’s my ultimate fashion.”Cruella Deville

“Fashion is my armor to survive the reality of everyday life.”Cruella Deville

“It’s not just fashion, it’s a way of life.”Cruella Deville

“I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

Cruella Deville Quotes on Villainy

Cruella Deville’s villainous nature is captured through her cunning and ruthless words. These quotes highlight her unapologetic embrace of her dark side.

“You fools! You… you idiots! Imbeciles!”Cruella Deville

“I don’t care how you kill the little beasts, just do it, and do it now!”Cruella Deville

“We’re going to make coats out of them. Ahhh! I love it.”Cruella Deville

“All right, keep the little beasts. Do what you like with them. Drown them for all I care.”Cruella Deville

“You idiots! You… you fools! Ahhh, the devil take it, they’re mongrels! No spots! No spots at all! What a horrid little white rat!”Cruella Deville

“You may have won the battle, but I’m about to win the wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“Fur is my absolute dream. It’s my ultimate fashion.”Cruella Deville

“You know, I’m beginning to see spots.”Cruella Deville

“It’s not just fashion, it’s a way of life.”Cruella Deville

Cruella Deville Quotes on Power

Cruella Deville’s hunger for power is as undeniable as her fashion sense. These quotes reflect her unyielding desire for control and dominance, showcasing her commanding presence.

“You fools! You… you idiots! Imbeciles!”Cruella Deville

“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“You may have won the battle, but I’m about to win the wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“More good women have been lost to marriage than to war, famine, disease, and disaster. You have talent, darling. Don’t squander it.”Cruella Deville

“Anita, darling, this is serious! My entire reason for living is to have the most fabulous wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“I don’t care how you kill the little beasts, just do it, and do it now!”Cruella Deville

“We’re going to make coats out of them. Ahhh! I love it.”Cruella Deville

“All right, keep the little beasts. Do what you like with them. Drown them for all I care.”Cruella Deville

“You idiots! You… you fools! Ahhh, the devil take it, they’re mongrels! No spots! No spots at all! What a horrid little white rat!”Cruella Deville

“You know, I’m beginning to see spots.”Cruella Deville

Cruella Deville Quotes on Identity

Cruella Deville’s identity is defined by her extravagant style and her unapologetic personality. These quotes highlight her self-awareness and the strong persona she presents to the world.

“I am woman, hear me roar.”Cruella Deville

“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“Fur is my absolute dream. It’s my ultimate fashion.”Cruella Deville

“Fashion is my armor to survive the reality of everyday life.”Cruella Deville

“It’s not just fashion, it’s a way of life.”Cruella Deville

“Anita, darling, this is serious! My entire reason for living is to have the most fabulous wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“You may have won the battle, but I’m about to win the wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“More good women have been lost to marriage than to war, famine, disease, and disaster. You have talent, darling. Don’t squander it.”Cruella Deville

“You fools! You… you idiots! Imbeciles!”Cruella Deville

“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

Cruella Deville Quotes on Wealth

Cruella Deville’s fascination with wealth is as evident as her obsession with fashion. These quotes reflect her insatiable desire for riches and the lengths she will go to achieve her opulent lifestyle.

“More good women have been lost to marriage than to war, famine, disease, and disaster. You have talent, darling. Don’t squander it.”Cruella Deville

“I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“It’s not just fashion, it’s a way of life.”Cruella Deville

“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“You may have won the battle, but I’m about to win the wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“Anita, darling, this is serious! My entire reason for living is to have the most fabulous wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“Fur is my absolute dream. It’s my ultimate fashion.”Cruella Deville

“I don’t care how you kill the little beasts, just do it, and do it now!”Cruella Deville

“We’re going to make coats out of them. Ahhh! I love it.”Cruella Deville

“All right, keep the little beasts. Do what you like with them. Drown them for all I care.”Cruella Deville

Cruella Deville Quotes on Manipulation

Cruella Deville is a master manipulator, using her charm and cunning to get what she wants. These quotes showcase her manipulative tactics and the ruthlessness she employs to achieve her goals.

“You fools! You… you idiots! Imbeciles!”Cruella Deville

“More good women have been lost to marriage than to war, famine, disease, and disaster. You have talent, darling. Don’t squander it.”Cruella Deville

“Anita, darling, this is serious! My entire reason for living is to have the most fabulous wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“You know, I’m beginning to see spots.”Cruella Deville

“Fur is my absolute dream. It’s my ultimate fashion.”Cruella Deville

“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“I don’t care how you kill the little beasts, just do it, and do it now!”Cruella Deville

“We’re going to make coats out of them. Ahhh! I love it.”Cruella Deville

“All right, keep the little beasts. Do what you like with them. Drown them for all I care.”Cruella Deville

“You may have won the battle, but I’m about to win the wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

Cruella Deville Quotes on Determination

Cruella Deville’s character exudes an unyielding determination, a quality that drives her relentless pursuit of her goals. Here are some of her most striking quotes that highlight her fierce resolve.

“If I had my way, I’d have all of you fired!”Cruella Deville

“More good women have been lost to marriage than to war, famine, disease, and disaster. You have talent, darling. Don’t squander it.”Cruella Deville

“I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“You may have won the battle, but I’m about to win the wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“Anita, darling, this is serious! My entire reason for living is to have the most fabulous wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“I don’t care how you kill the little beasts, just do it, and do it now!”Cruella Deville

“We’re going to make coats out of them. Ahhh! I love it.”Cruella Deville

“All right, keep the little beasts. Do what you like with them. Drown them for all I care.”Cruella Deville

“More good women have been lost to marriage than to war, famine, disease, and disaster. You have talent, darling. Don’t squander it.”Cruella Deville

Cruella Deville Quotes on Creativity

Cruella Deville’s creativity is boundless and often intertwined with her ambitious and sometimes malevolent pursuits. These quotes reflect her inventive spirit and flair for the dramatic.

“Fashion, darling, is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.”Cruella Deville

“I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“It’s not just fashion, it’s a way of life.”Cruella Deville

“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“Anita, darling, this is serious! My entire reason for living is to have the most fabulous wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“Fur is my absolute dream. It’s my ultimate fashion.”Cruella Deville

“We’re going to make coats out of them. Ahhh! I love it.”Cruella Deville

“You may have won the battle, but I’m about to win the wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“More good women have been lost to marriage than to war, famine, disease, and disaster. You have talent, darling. Don’t squander it.”Cruella Deville

“Fashion is my passion. I will not be denied.”Cruella Deville

Cruella Deville Quotes on Fearlessness

Cruella Deville embodies a fearlessness that drives her bold and audacious actions. Her quotes reflect an unyielding spirit and determination that is both inspiring and terrifying.

“If I don’t scare you, no evil thing will.”Cruella Deville

“I don’t care how you kill the little beasts, just do it, and do it now!”Cruella Deville

“We’re going to make coats out of them. Ahhh! I love it.”Cruella Deville

“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“I don’t care how many times I have to take this test. I’ll pass it because failure is not an option.”Cruella Deville

“I’m not afraid of anything. Nothing at all.”Cruella Deville

“You may have won the battle, but I’m about to win the wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“Anita, darling, this is serious! My entire reason for living is to have the most fabulous wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“Fur is my absolute dream. It’s my ultimate fashion.”Cruella Deville

“I was born brilliant, born bad, and a little bit mad.”Cruella Deville

Cruella Deville Quotes on Humor

Despite her villainous nature, Cruella Deville often delivers lines with a dark sense of humor, making her an unforgettable character. Her wit and sarcasm add a layer of complexity to her personality.

“More good women have been lost to marriage than to war, famine, disease, and disaster. You have talent, darling. Don’t squander it.”Cruella Deville

“I live for furs. I worship furs!”Cruella Deville

“It’s not just fashion, it’s a way of life.”Cruella Deville

“If I don’t scare you, no evil thing will.”Cruella Deville

“We’re going to make coats out of them. Ahhh! I love it.”Cruella Deville

“Anita, darling, this is serious! My entire reason for living is to have the most fabulous wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“You may have won the battle, but I’m about to win the wardrobe.”Cruella Deville

“All right, keep the little beasts. Do what you like with them. Drown them for all I care.”Cruella Deville

“Fur is my absolute dream. It’s my ultimate fashion.”Cruella Deville

“Fashion, darling, is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.”Cruella Deville

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Final Thoughts

Cruella Deville quotes summarize the nature of a character who is both intriguing and terrifying.

Her words reflect her bravery, creativity, and relentless determination, which maked her a standout figure in the pantheon of Disney villains.

Through her quotes, you gain insight into her motivations and the intricacies of her personality, from her voracious ambition to her dark sense of humor.