115 Best Coco Quotes (with Commentary)

“Coco,” Pixar’s emotional celebration of Mexican culture and the Day of the Dead festival, knits a tapestry of emotion and color that resonates greatly with audiences worldwide.

Quotes from “Coco” not just entertain but also offer profound insights into the significance of family, heritage, and personal dreams.

These unforgettable Coco quotes are reminders of the values that link you across generations and cultures, which emphasizes the importance of remembering your ancestors while pursuing your own paths with bravery and passion.

Top Coco Quotes

“Remember me, though I have to say goodbye, remember me, don’t let it make you cry.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“Our memories, they have to be passed down by those who knew us in life – in the stories they tell about us.”Hector

“One cannot deny who one is meant to be.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“No music! No music!”Mama Coco

“I am not like the rest of my family. There is something that makes me different.”Miguel

“You don’t have to forgive him, but we shouldn’t forget him.”Miguel

“We may have our differences, but nothing’s more important than family.”Mama Imelda

“Shoes are my life! Making them is my art!”Miguel

“You know that feeling, like there’s a song in the air and it’s playing just for you?”Miguel

“I’m proud we’re family!”Miguel

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Coco Quotes on Family and Heritage

“Coco” beautifully explores themes of family and heritage, reminding us of the deep connections that shape our identities and destinies. These quotes from the movie celebrate the bonds of family and the importance of remembering our ancestors.

“Being a part of this family means you are here for this family.”Abuelita

“Never forget how much your family loves you.”Imelda

“The music, it’s not just in me, it is me.”Miguel

“When life gets me down, I play my guitar.”Miguel

“He’s my son! A son should be with his father.”Hector

“You must embrace your family, your family traditions.”Mama Coco

“The world may follow the rules, but I must follow my heart!”Ernesto de la Cruz

“We are all a part of those who came before.”Miguel

“Your ancestors, their stories are in our songs.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“We may not always see eye to eye, but we’re still family. And we always will be.”Imelda

Coco Quotes on Following Your Dreams

The heart of “Coco” beats with the pursuit of dreams, even against the odds. These quotes inspire us to chase our passions with courage and conviction, just as the characters in the movie demonstrate.

“If you must dream, then don’t ever stop.”Miguel

“The rest of the world may follow the rules, but I must follow my heart.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“To succeed, you must seize every opportunity.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“No one was going to hand me my future. It was up to me to reach for my dream, grab it tight and make it come true.”Miguel

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”Miguel

“Remember me, for even if I’m far away, I hold you in my heart. I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“Sometimes, I feel like there’s a song in the air and it’s playing just for me.”Miguel

“A dream is not something that you wake up from but something that wakes you up.”Charlie Haden

“Never underestimate the power of music. No one can ever take that away from you.”Miguel

“Music is not just in me… it is me.”Miguel

Coco Quotes on Music and Passion

Music not only drives the narrative of “Coco” but serves as a symbol for life’s passions. These quotes encapsulate the movie’s celebration of music as a powerful form of expression and connection.

“When life gets me down, I play my guitar.”Miguel

“Music is my language, and the world is my family.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“The music’s not just in me, it is me. When I play, I feel alive.”Miguel

“Music is how I make sense of my world.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”Miguel, quoting Friedrich Nietzsche

“To play music is to live. To live is to play music.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“Music was my passion, my life. I devoted myself to it for the love of my family.”Mama Coco

“Every note resonates within our souls and tells a story.”Miguel

“You don’t just listen to music, you feel it. That’s how you know it’s real.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“Let the music move you; let it take you to places you dream of.”Miguel

Coco Quotes on Memory and Remembrance

“Coco” profoundly explores the significance of memory and remembrance, emphasizing how these elements connect us with those who have passed but are never truly gone. These quotes reflect the enduring bond of family and the legacy of ancestors that continue to shape lives beyond their physical presence.

“Our memories, they have to be passed down by those who knew us in life – in the stories they tell about us.”Hector

“Remember me, though I have to say goodbye, remember me, don’t let it make you cry.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“Never forget how much your family loves you.”Imelda

“I carry you in my heart. You remind me that there’s more to life than just the here and now.”Miguel

“To be remembered is to be alive.”Hector

“We may not see each other, but we are always together.”Mama Coco

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray.”Mama Coco

“A picture from your past has the power to echo in your future.”Abuelita

“You tell me that it’s red, but I remember it blue. It is not just a detail; memories mean more to me than dresses.”Mama Coco

“The ones who love us never really leave us, you can always find them in here.”Miguel, pointing to his heart

Coco Quotes on Courage and Determination

The narrative of “Coco” is also a testament to the courage and determination needed to pursue one’s dreams despite obstacles. These quotes inspire us to embrace our passions and face challenges with bravery.

“One cannot deny who one is meant to be, even when it’s hard.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“You don’t have to forgive him, but we shouldn’t forget him.”Miguel

“The real way to get happiness is by giving out happiness to other people.”Miguel

“Sometimes, we might take the wrong path, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find our way back to the right one.”Hector

“To change your fate, you must first dare to confront it.”Imelda

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”Miguel

“I am not like the rest of my family. There is something that makes me different.”Miguel

“Every minute spent not following your dreams is a minute spent waiting.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“Being true to yourself is the bravest thing you can do.”Mama Imelda

“No one can limit where you go or what you do; your future is for you to create.”Miguel

Coco Quotes on Culture and Tradition

“Coco” beautifully captures the essence of Mexican culture and traditions, weaving them into the narrative to showcase how they mold and enrich our identities. These quotes highlight the film’s celebration of cultural heritage and its impact on the characters’ lives.

“You must embrace your family, your family traditions.”Mama Coco

“Our traditions help us know who we are.”Abuelita

“Remembering our ancestors helps us keep our roots alive.”Hector

“A single song can bring a moment from our past back to life in full color.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“Día de los Muertos is not about grief or sorrow. It’s a time of remembrance, joy, and love.”Mama Imelda

“The music, it’s not just in me, it is me. It’s my history, my culture, my family.”Miguel

“We laugh with them, we sing with them, we tell their stories. They are a part of us forever.”Miguel

“This is the true gift of our family, our ability to share our traditions from one generation to the next.”Abuelita

“Every petal, every color, every song tells the story of where we come from and who we are.”Miguel

“The bridge of marigold petals guides the way for our ancestors. It’s our offering, our connection.”Hector

Coco Quotes on Identity and Self-Discovery

Exploring one’s identity is a central theme in “Coco,” where characters embark on journeys of self-discovery, revealing truths about themselves and their legacies. These quotes inspire viewers to think about their own identities and the paths they choose.

“To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“I am not like the rest of my family. There is something that makes me different.”Miguel

“Discovering who you are requires exploring where you come from.”Imelda

“Each of us is a unique note in the beautiful symphony of life.”Miguel

“You have your family’s blood running through your veins. Never forget you are part of something much bigger.”Abuelita

“My ancestors are not just in me, they are me.”Miguel

“Sometimes, the journey back takes you all the way forward.”Hector

“To find yourself, you must first find your roots.”Mama Imelda

“Identity is not just who you are now, but who you want to become.”Miguel

“In our family, your heart is your guide.”Ernesto de la Cruz

Coco Quotes on Forgiveness and Reconciliation

In “Coco,” forgiveness and reconciliation emerge as profound themes, illustrating how families can overcome past hurts through understanding and empathy. These quotes encapsulate the transformative power of forgiving and the path towards reconciling with loved ones.

“You don’t have to forgive him, but we shouldn’t forget him.”Miguel

“Forgiveness is the ultimate act of love, and a family always loves.”Imelda

“Sometimes, what’s important isn’t what people did in the past, but how they make up for it in the present.”Miguel

“It’s never too late to heal old wounds and mend broken bonds.”Hector

“Reconciliation is remembering what family truly means.”Mama Coco

“We remember not just to prevent past mistakes, but to heal the scars they left behind.”Hector

“Only through forgiveness can we truly move forward, together as a family.”Imelda

“In every family, there is a story of redemption and return. We just have to be willing to write it.”Miguel

“The bridge to forgiveness is built with planks of understanding and ropes of compassion.”Mama Imelda

“Forgive others, not because they deserve it, but because you deserve peace.”Abuelita

Coco Quotes on Adventure and Exploration

The essence of adventure and exploration is vividly portrayed in “Coco,” motivating us to discover not just the world around us, but also the truths within ourselves. These quotes from the movie encourage us to embrace the unknown and cherish the journey of self-discovery.

“Every great journey begins with a single step, and sometimes that step is taken in the dark.”Miguel

“The real adventure is seeing the world through your own eyes.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“To explore is to discover parts of yourself you never knew existed.”Hector

“Life is an adventure, not a package tour.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“Adventure is not outside man; it is within.”Miguel quoting George Eliot

“Dare to cross the bridge, venture into the unknown, and discover wonders untold.”Imelda

“An explorer’s heart is never satisfied with the roads already traveled.”Hector

“True exploration is a journey of the heart.”Miguel

“Each step away from the familiar reveals a new mystery of life.”Mama Coco

“The world is vast, and life is short. Let curiosity be your guide.”Abuelita

Coco Quotes on Legacy and Influence

“Coco” poignantly addresses the impact of legacy and influence, underscoring how the deeds and decisions of one generation ripple through the fabric of the next. These quotes capture the essence of heritage and the enduring marks we leave behind.

“We may have our differences, but nothing’s more important than family.”Miguel

“I am the living proof of your legacy, and I will make you proud.”Miguel

“Remember me, and let the love we have live on.”Hector

“What we leave behind is not as important as how we’ve lived.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“Our family’s legacy isn’t just about what we’ve accomplished; it’s also about what we’ve inspired in others.”Imelda

“You tell our story. That’s how you keep me alive.”Hector

“Every generation grows like a new verse in the great song of our family.”Mama Coco

“Your spirit and my voice, together we are unstoppable.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“Legacy is more than an inheritance; it’s a guiding light for generations to follow.”Abuelita

“It’s not about where you come from, but who you are and the choices that you make.”Miguel

Coco Quotes on Joy and Celebration

The vibrancy and exuberance of “Coco” shine through in its depiction of joy and celebration, particularly during the colorful festivities of Día de los Muertos. These quotes highlight the importance of celebrating life and embracing joy.

“The music’s not just in me… it is me.”Miguel

“When life gets me down, I play my guitar.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“Celebrate with me, for these moments are not just beautiful, they’re essential.”Hector

“Joy is the kind of happiness that doesn’t depend on what happens.”Mama Coco

“Dance like everyone’s watching, and they’re all cheering.”Imelda

“Tonight is about family, music, and celebrating being together.”Miguel

“Let the music play and carry us to a place where joy becomes the rhythm of our souls.”Ernesto de la Cruz

“Happiness is the real treasure, and tonight, we’re all rich.”Abuelita

“Celebrate every moment, for each one is precious and fleeting.”Miguel

“In our family, to love is to celebrate.”Mama Imelda

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Final Thoughts

Quotes from “Coco” sum up the movie’s rich narrative and emotional depth, which resonates with universal themes of love, identity, and family.

They encourage you to embrace their heritage, celebrate life, and remember the loved ones who have shaped your journeys.

As you reflect on these poignant expressions, you are encouraged to treasure your family’s stories and legacies, and to live in a way that honors those who came before you.