113 Top Bessie Coleman Quotes (with commentary)

Bessie Coleman, also called  “Queen Bess,” was the first African American woman and the first Native American to hold a pilot license. Her journey to aviation stardom was filled with obstacles that she overcame with unparalleled bravery and determination.

Bessie Coleman’s quotes capture the nature of her spirit and perseverance, providing an ageless source of inspiration. These quotes discloses her opinions on aviation, equality, and the significance of one’s dream relentlessly.

As you dig into her words, you gain insight into the mindset of a woman who refused to be restricted by the societal norms of her time.

Top Bessie Coleman Quotes

“If I can create the minimum of my plans and desires, there will be no regrets.” – Bessie Coleman

“The air is the only place free from prejudices.” – Bessie Coleman

“Nobody owns the sky.” – Bessie Coleman

“I refused to take no for an answer.” – Bessie Coleman

“I decided blacks should not have to experience the difficulties I had faced, so I decided to open a flying school and teach other black women to fly.” – Bessie Coleman

“I’ve always believed in the equality of all.” – Bessie Coleman

“The sky is the limit only for those who aren’t afraid to fly!” – Bessie Coleman

“You’ve never lived until you’ve flown!” – Bessie Coleman

“As a race, we have no aviation legacy. It’s my duty to create one.” – Bessie Coleman

“The air has no barrier, boundary, or wall.” – Bessie Coleman

Inspirational Bessie Coleman Quotes

“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.” – Bessie Coleman

“I refuse to take no for an answer.” – Bessie Coleman

“Prepare yourself to dream big. Dreams have power.” – Bessie Coleman

“Seek inspiration from the skies.” – Bessie Coleman

“I chose to right my wrongs, not the color of my skin.” – Bessie Coleman

“Don’t let anything stop you. There will be times when you’ll be disappointed, but you can’t stop.” – Bessie Coleman

“Flying is the first step to freedom.” – Bessie Coleman

“Be determined to fly, no matter the obstacles.” – Bessie Coleman

“Aim for the skies, and beyond.” – Bessie Coleman

“No matter what, someone must break barriers and face the storm.” – Bessie Coleman

Bessie Coleman Quotes on Courage

“To be a pilot, one must have courage.” – Bessie Coleman

“You cannot allow your fears to stop your ability to fly.” – Bessie Coleman

“Risking everything is the only way to achieve anything.” – Bessie Coleman

“I chose to fly when the world said women couldn’t.” – Bessie Coleman

“Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace.” – Bessie Coleman

“The road to the skies is not easier than the battlefield, but I fight on.” – Bessie Coleman

“You must dare to do the impossible, for it is the only way to achieve the extraordinary.” – Bessie Coleman

“Fear is just a cloud that needs to be flown through.” – Bessie Coleman

“Pushing the envelope is about courage, not recklessness.” – Bessie Coleman

“In the face of adversity, we have a choice: to be courageous.” – Bessie Coleman

Bessie Coleman Quotes on Aviation

“Aviation is proof that given the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible.” – Bessie Coleman

“The sky is not the limit; it’s home.” – Bessie Coleman

“A pilot’s first duty is to conquer her fears.” – Bessie Coleman

“Flying may not be all plain sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price.” – Bessie Coleman

“The air above us is also the equal ground beneath our wings.” – Bessie Coleman

“I point my nose to the sky, and I charge.” – Bessie Coleman

“Flight is the only truly new sensation than men have achieved in modern history.” – Bessie Coleman

“Piloting is a profession of freedom, and I’m its lifelong student.” – Bessie Coleman

“The airplane is no place for fear.” – Bessie Coleman

“One flight, one step closer to the stars.” – Bessie Coleman

Bessie Coleman Quotes on Overcoming Barriers

“The only roadblock is in your mind, that’s where the barriers live.” – Bessie Coleman

“One can only conquer what one dares to confront.” – Bessie Coleman

“If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.” – Bessie Coleman

“Barrier is just another word for challenge.” – Bessie Coleman

“I knew we had no aviators, neither men nor women, and I knew the race needed to be represented along this most important line, so I thought it my duty to risk my life to learn aviation.” – Bessie Coleman

“Struggle is a never-ending process. Freedom is never really won; you earn it and win it in every generation.” – Bessie Coleman

“Overcoming barriers requires courage and resilience. You have both.” – Bessie Coleman

“Determination is the plane that lifts you over obstacles.” – Bessie Coleman

“Don’t take no for an answer when the skies are your limit.” – Bessie Coleman

“Every great flyover starts with the courage to lift off.” – Bessie Coleman

Bessie Coleman Quotes on Education

“The best kind of learning is that which is done above the earth.” – Bessie Coleman

“Knowledge is the engine of the airplane of life.” – Bessie Coleman

“Educate yourself to be free.” – Bessie Coleman

“Education is just as important as a good pair of wings.” – Bessie Coleman

“I saw that being a pilot could provide me an education that a colored woman needs.” – Bessie Coleman

“Learn from every flight, every cloud, every gust of wind.” – Bessie Coleman

“In the flight of life, never stop learning.” – Bessie Coleman

“The sky was my university.” – Bessie Coleman

“Always seek to learn, and the heights will seek you.” – Bessie Coleman

“Education lifts you off the ground.” – Bessie Coleman

Empowering Bessie Coleman Quotes

“Stand tall, as if the sky touches your feet, not your head.” – Bessie Coleman

“You have the right to fly, and no one has the right to clip your wings.” – Bessie Coleman

“Be the spark that lights the way for others.” – Bessie Coleman

“Always take your fate as high as your dreams.” – Bessie Coleman

“I paved a path in the sky so that others might follow.” – Bessie Coleman

“Empowerment begins when you decide you have the right to fly.” – Bessie Coleman

“Every time I soar, I bring a thousand dreams with me.” – Bessie Coleman

“Let your ambitions be boundless. Reach for the stars.” – Bessie Coleman

“Change the narrative by flying above the expectations.” – Bessie Coleman

“Let no one steal your aspirations. Your destiny is above the clouds.” – Bessie Coleman

Bessie Coleman Quotes on Equality

“The air is the only place free from prejudices.” – Bessie Coleman

“Everyone has a right to fly, and no one can own the sky.” – Bessie Coleman

“In the sky, there are no limits. No boundaries that say ‘you can’t’ because of your race or gender.” – Bessie Coleman

“Equality is not a ground level idea; it soars above, like we should.” – Bessie Coleman

“Break the chains of prejudice with the power of your wings.” – Bessie Coleman

“Flying was my way of rebelling against segregation.” – Bessie Coleman

“We should all have the same skyline.” – Bessie Coleman

“When I fly, I fly for all those who were told they couldn’t.” – Bessie Coleman

“The cockpit of an airplane knows no gender, no race.” – Bessie Coleman

“In flight, there is freedom for all.” – Bessie Coleman

Reflective Bessie Coleman Quotes

“Looking down from above, the world seemed limitless, much like the possibilities of the future.” – Bessie Coleman

“Sometimes, I just look up and marvel at the vastness, wondering what my place in all of it really is.” – Bessie Coleman

“Every flight reflects a freedom not just of movement, but of spirit.” – Bessie Coleman

“The moments of solitude in the sky are a mirror to one’s soul.” – Bessie Coleman

“Flying is a profession of loneliness, but in that loneliness, I found myself.” – Bessie Coleman

“From above, all those things that seem so big, just look so small.” – Bessie Coleman

“The horizon is endless, as should be our dreams.” – Bessie Coleman

“In the quiet above the clouds, I find my peace, away from the world’s noise.” – Bessie Coleman

“To fly is to reflect on everything and nothing at the same time.” – Bessie Coleman

“The sky has always been a canvas to my thoughts.” – Bessie Coleman

Bessie Coleman Quotes on Perseverance

“Persistence is just as important in the air as it is on the ground.” – Bessie Coleman

“The toughest part of the flight is the decision to take off.” – Bessie Coleman

“No pilot earns their wings without a few storms.” – Bessie Coleman

“Keep your flight plan, no matter the weather.” – Bessie Coleman

“Every setback is just a setup for a comeback.” – Bessie Coleman

“You have to keep going up, especially when you want to just land.” – Bessie Coleman

“Perseverance is the hardest flight lesson, but the most rewarding.” – Bessie Coleman

“If I had stopped flying every time I failed, I would never have soared.” – Bessie Coleman

“Climb, and don’t consider descending as an option.” – Bessie Coleman

“Staying on course in turbulent times is what defines a pilot.” – Bessie Coleman

Bessie Coleman Quotes on Legacy

“I want to leave a legacy that proves the skies are not limited to any one kind of person.” – Bessie Coleman

“What I am doing now will one day be a beacon for young girls of all races.” – Bessie Coleman

“My ambition is to have my name not forgotten.” – Bessie Coleman

“Let it be said that Bessie Coleman broke barriers in the sky that others could fly through them.” – Bessie Coleman

“A legacy is built by those who dare to soar.” – Bessie Coleman

“I may not live to see our glory, but I will happily join the fight.” – Bessie Coleman

“Every flight I take sows the seeds of dreams in others.” – Bessie Coleman

“Creating a path wasn’t for my journey alone, but for those who believe they can follow and aim even higher.” – Bessie Coleman

“I fly today so others can soar tomorrow.” – Bessie Coleman

“Let my story be one of courage and perseverance, one that inspires beyond my years.” – Bessie Coleman

Bessie Coleman Quotes on Dreaming Big

“If your dream does not scare you, it is not big enough.” – Bessie Coleman

“Dream of flying not to escape life, but so life does not escape you.” – Bessie Coleman

“You have to dream before your dreams can come true.” – Bessie Coleman

“Aim for the sky and you’ll reach the ceiling. Dream beyond the sky and you’ll fly.” – Bessie Coleman

“Big dreams take you to big heights.” – Bessie Coleman

“Do not be afraid of the vastness of your dreams.” – Bessie Coleman

“Dream big, and dare to fail; for in failure, there’s value too.” – Bessie Coleman

“To dream is to defy gravity and soar beyond limits.” – Bessie Coleman

“Let your dreams be as vast as the skies.” – Bessie Coleman

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the dream of your own life.” – Bessie Coleman

Final Thoughts

Bessie Coleman’s quotes echo with the same boldness and strength that defined her life. Her words continue to inspire people across the world to break barriers and reach for their dreams, regardless of the barriers in their path.

Coleman not only left a mark in the skies but also in the hearts of those who desire to fly beyond their circumstances.

Her legacy, summarized in her strong quotes, serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder that with bravery and endurance, you can achieve the seemingly impossible.

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