113 Best Animal House Quotes (with Commentary)

“Animal House,” the exemplary college comedy that captured the wild pranks of the Delta Tau Chi fraternity, remains a cultural legend decades after its release.

Known for its sinful humor and remarkable characters, the movie has left audiences in stitches with its collection of unforgettable quotes that perfectly capture the disarray and hilarity of college life.

This compilation of “Animal House Quotes” dives into the most impressive lines that have become synonymous with the carefree and unruly spirit of youth, showcasing the wit  that make the movie a timeless classic.

Animal House Quotes on College Life

“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” – Animal House Quotes

“Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the f***ing Peace Corps.” – Bluto

“The time has come for someone to put his foot down. And that foot is me.” – Dean Wormer

“Christ. Seven years of college down the drain.” – Bluto

“My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.” – Bluto

“You can’t hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals.” – Otter

“We’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America!” – Otter

“Face it, Kent. You threw up ON Dean Wormer.” – Boon

“It’s not gonna be an orgy! It’s a toga party.” – Larry

“Knowledge is Good.” – Emblem on the statue of Emil Faber

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Animal House Quotes on Wild Parties

“TOGA! TOGA!” – John “Bluto” Blutarsky

“Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!” – Bluto

“See if you can guess what I am now.” – Bluto

“Let’s dance!” – Otter

“Road trip!” – Otter

“Oh boy, is this great!” – Flounder

“It’s not over until we say it’s over.” – Bluto

“You guys up for a toga party?” – Larry

“I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part!” – Otter

“They took the bar! The whole f***ing bar!” – Bluto

10 Top Animal House Quotes

“TOGA! TOGA!” – John “Bluto” Blutarsky

“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” – Dean Wormer

“Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!” – Bluto

“My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.” – Bluto

“They took the bar! The whole f***ing bar!” – Bluto

“See if you can guess what I am now.” – Bluto

“It’s not over until we say it’s over.” – Bluto

“You can’t hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals.” – Otter

“Christ. Seven years of college down the drain.” – Bluto

“We’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America!” – Otter

Animal House Quotes on Friendship and Brotherhood

“What’s this lying around sh*t?” – Bluto

“You guys up for a toga party?” – Larry

“Look, you guys, I’m sorry. I screwed up. I trusted you.” – Flounder

“Face it, you messed up. You trusted us!” – Otter

“Let’s dance!” – Otter

“I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part!” – Otter

“We gotta take these bastards. Now we could fight ’em with conventional weapons, but that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out.” – Bluto

“Being bad is more fun than being good.” – Bluto

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” – Bluto

“D-Day, let’s do it.” – Bluto

Animal House Quotes on Rule Breaking and Rebellion

“Look, you guys, if you’re gonna keep your cool, we may have a chance.” – Otter

“The time has come for someone to put his foot down. And that foot is me.” – Dean Wormer

“I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.” – Otter

“We’re just the guys to do it.” – Bluto

“It’s not gonna be an orgy. It’s a toga party.” – Larry

“This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you’re gonna let it be the worst.” – Otter

“Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America.” – Otter

“Why aren’t we going to the police? Because we’re afraid? Well, maybe, but that’s not the way I want to live my life.” – Otter

“You guys up for a toga party?” – Larry

“It’s time we did something that really stirred the pot.” – Bluto

Animal House Quotes on Authority and Confrontations

“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” – Dean Wormer

“You’re all worthless and weak! Now drop and give me twenty!” – Niedermeyer

“Double secret probation? What the hell is that?” – Flounder

“The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests—we did.” – Warden

“Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!” – Bluto

“They’re serious this time. I think they want to throw us off campus.” – Otter

“Face it, Kent. You threw up ‘on’ Dean Wormer.” – Boon

“Greg, honey, is it supposed to be this soft?” – Dean Wormer’s wife

“Only we can do that to our pledges.” – Otter

“You can’t hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals.” – Otter

Animal House Quotes on Love and Relationships

“That girl I’m supposed to buy dinner for tomorrow night? I’m gonna nail her.” – Otter

“See if you can guess what I am now.” – Bluto (as he fills his mouth with mashed potatoes)

“Greg, honey, is it supposed to be this soft?” – Dean Wormer’s wife

“It’s not gonna be an orgy! It’s a toga party.” – Larry

“Look, you guys, I’m sorry. I screwed up. I trusted you.” – Flounder

“You can’t hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn’t we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn’t this an indictment of our educational institutions in general?” – Otter

“You guys up for a toga party?” – Larry

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” – Bluto

“I think this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part!” – Otter

“Face it, you messed up. You trusted us!” – Otter

Animal House Quotes on Memorable Pranks

“Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!” – Bluto

“They can’t do that to our pledges! Only we can do that to our pledges.” – Bluto

“The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests—we did.” – Warden

“Face it, Kent. You threw up ‘on’ Dean Wormer.” – Boon

“Road trip!” – Otter

“This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you’re gonna let it be the worst.” – Otter

“TOGA! TOGA!” – The whole fraternity

“You guys up for a toga party?” – Larry

“It’s not over until we say it’s over.” – Bluto

“What? Over? Did you say over? Nothing is over until we decide it is!” – Bluto

Animal House Quotes on Inspirational Speeches

“What? Over? Did you say ‘over’? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!” – Bluto

“It’s not gonna be an orgy! It’s a toga party.” – Larry

“This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you’re gonna let it be the worst.” – Otter

“I think this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.” – Otter

“We’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America!” – Otter

“You can’t hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn’t we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn’t this an indictment of our educational institutions in general?” – Otter

“We gotta take these bastards. Now we could fight ’em with conventional weapons, but that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out.” – Bluto

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” – Bluto

“Let’s do it.” – Bluto

“Hey! What’s all this lying around shit?” – Bluto

Animal House Quotes on Classic One-Liners

“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” – Dean Wormer

“They took the bar! The whole f***ing bar!” – Bluto

“See if you can guess what I am now.” – Bluto

“My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.” – Bluto

“TOGA! TOGA!” – John “Bluto” Blutarsky

“I’m a zit! Get it?” – Bluto

“Christ. Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the f***ing Peace Corps.” – Bluto

“Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!” – Bluto

“Mind if we dance with your dates?” – Otter

“You f***ed up. You trusted us.” – Otter

Animal House Quotes on Lessons Learned

“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” – Dean Wormer

“You can’t hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals.” – Otter

“We gotta take these bastards. Now we could fight ’em with conventional weapons, but that could take years and cost millions of lives.” – Bluto

“Face it, you messed up. You trusted us!” – Otter

“The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests—we did.” – Warden

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” – Bluto

“What we need at this moment are futile and stupid gestures on somebody’s part!” – Otter

“Being bad is more fun than being good.” – Bluto

“It’s not over until we say it’s over.” – Bluto

“Sometimes you have to play a long time to be able to play like yourself.” – Musician at the Dexter Lake Club

Animal House Quotes on Iconic Scenes

“TOGA! TOGA!” – John “Bluto” Blutarsky

“Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!” – Bluto

“They took the bar! The whole f***ing bar!” – Bluto

“See if you can guess what I am now.” – Bluto

“I’m a zit! Get it?” – Bluto

“Mind if we dance with your dates?” – Otter

“Double secret probation.” – Dean Wormer

“Christ. Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the f***ing Peace Corps.” – Bluto

“My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.” – Bluto

“It’s not gonna be an orgy! It’s a toga party.” – Larry

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Final Thoughts

The quotes from “Animal House” sums up more than just the comedic genius of the movie; they represent a defiant spirit and a wistful ode to the wild, boisterous days of youth that you may fondly remember.

Whether it’s the silly party scenes, the creative comebacks, or the heartfelt yet amusing take on friendship and freedom, these quotes continue to resonate with generations of fans.

As you reexamine these lines, they not only bring laughter but also a reminder of the movie’s lasting legacy in the landscape of American comedy.

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