Aatrox, the Darkin Blade from League of Legends, is a character characterized by his deep anger, thirst for destruction, and existential torture.
His quotes capture the nature of his hatred for immortality and his unwavering desire to bring disorder to the world.
Aatrox’s words are full of anger, power, and a deep sense of loss, which makes him one of the most complicated and frightening figures in the game.
Top Aatrox Quotes
Aatrox, the Darkin Blade from League of Legends, is a fearsome warrior known for his dark and twisted outlook on life, war, and death. His quotes reflect his bitter hatred, immortal suffering, and relentless pursuit of chaos and destruction.
“I am not a king, I am not a god, I am… worse.” – Aatrox
“This cursed form… This crude decaying flesh! I loathe it!” – Aatrox
“They will call me a god killer!” – Aatrox
“I stood against the void. Now… I would welcome it.” – Aatrox
“I am doom!” – Aatrox
“I will drown them in oceans of blood!” – Aatrox
“I cannot die… until all life ends.” – Aatrox
“My suffering… I will make it bloom.” – Aatrox
“I march to death… though I wish it was my own.” – Aatrox
“All that lives, I will end!” – Aatrox
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Aatrox Quotes on Destruction and Chaos
Aatrox thrives in destruction and chaos, seeking to bring ruin to everything in his path. His quotes on this theme are filled with rage, dominance, and his desire to unmake the world.
“Fight! Join me in death!” – Aatrox
“I will hack and chop and cleave, and sunder the filth of your forms!” – Aatrox
“Carnage is my method.” – Aatrox
“I will sever your limbs! I will carve your souls!” – Aatrox
“I begged for death, now I am its bringer!” – Aatrox
“I am the god killer!” – Aatrox
“I will snuff out the light, I shall make darkness eternal!” – Aatrox
“This war will be my masterpiece.” – Aatrox
“My darkness was not born, it was forged by my prison.” – Aatrox
“Primitives worship me, hoping for mercy. I shall give them death.” – Aatrox(
Aatrox Quotes on Immortality and Suffering
Aatrox, the Darkin Blade, often reflects on his cursed immortality and endless suffering, showcasing his disdain for eternal life. These quotes represent his ongoing torment and his wish for true death, a release he can never achieve.
“I cannot die… until all life ends.” – Aatrox
“This cursed form… This crude decaying flesh! I loathe it!” – Aatrox
“My suffering… I will make it bloom.” – Aatrox
“I stood against the void. Now… I would welcome it.” – Aatrox
“I march to death… Though I wish it was my own.” – Aatrox
“Decay… is inevitable.” – Aatrox
“Even gods… must die.” – Aatrox
“Immortality is a fool’s quest.” – Aatrox
“For my imprisonment, they will suffer!” – Aatrox
“I am not a king, I am not a god, I am… worse.” – Aatrox
Aatrox Quotes on War and Combat
Aatrox thrives in the chaos of war, often expressing his love for battle and violence. His quotes about war and combat reveal his destructive nature and his desire to bring ruin to everything in his path.
“I will hack and chop and cleave, and sunder the filth of your forms!” – Aatrox
“War reveals what is within us.” – Aatrox
“Fight! Join me in death!” – Aatrox
“Carnage is my method.” – Aatrox
“Your death awaits!” – Aatrox
“I begged for death, now I am its bringer!” – Aatrox
“They will call me a god killer!” – Aatrox
“I am Darkin! Your gods fear me!” – Aatrox
“The truest opponent lies within.” – Aatrox
“I will drown them in oceans of blood!” – Aatrox
Aatrox Quotes on Anger and Vengeance
Aatrox is a being consumed by rage, vengeance, and bitterness. His quotes reflect his seething anger and desire to bring ruin to those he deems responsible for his suffering. His words resonate with a hatred that transcends death and time.
“For my imprisonment, they will suffer!” – Aatrox
“I will render these mortals’ forms into my own!” – Aatrox
“They’ll label me a villain… Come, let me continue to deserve their enmity eternally.” – Aatrox
“I begged for death, now I am its bringer!” – Aatrox
“Suffer, as I suffer!” – Aatrox
“Their screams will be like the soothing hum of insects at dusk.” – Aatrox
“Violence distracts me from these chains!” – Aatrox
“I will hack and chop and cleave, and sunder the filth of your forms!” – Aatrox
“My will… is beyond death!” – Aatrox
“I will drown them in oceans of blood!” – Aatrox
Aatrox Quotes on Power and Dominance
Aatrox sees himself as a force of nature, a being of pure dominance and power. His words reveal his relentless hunger for control and destruction, and his belief that all who stand in his way are destined to fall beneath his blade.
“Behold, immortality!” – Aatrox
“I am not a king, I am not a god, I am… worse.” – Aatrox
“I am the god killer!” – Aatrox
“Your gods fear me.” – Aatrox
“I will sever your limbs! I will carve your souls!” – Aatrox
“I will snuff out the light, I shall make darkness eternal!” – Aatrox
“I am Darkin. Your gods are afraid of me.” – Aatrox
“Carnage is my method.” – Aatrox
“Come, let me show you darkness!” – Aatrox
“I am not your enemy, I am the enemy!” – Aatrox
Aatrox Quotes on Hopelessness and Despair
Aatrox, the Darkin Blade, is a character defined by his eternal suffering and despair. His quotes are steeped in hopelessness, reflecting a being trapped in a cycle of destruction and endless torment. His words capture the futility he feels toward existence and the emptiness of his immortal life.
“There is no hope, only despair.” – Aatrox
“I march to death… though I wish it was my own.” – Aatrox
“Stand at the edge of the abyss and stare into the eternal darkness.” – Aatrox
“I cannot die… until all life ends.” – Aatrox
“In the darkness, all will be consumed.” – Aatrox
“Your world will crumble to ash and death will be all that is left.” – Aatrox
“They will live, they will die, and then they will be forgotten.” – Aatrox
“I am the end of all things… the unyielding darkness.” – Aatrox
“My darkness was not born, it was forged by my prison.” – Aatrox
“I must destroy even hope.” – Aatrox
Aatrox Quotes on Betrayal and Loss
Aatrox is deeply affected by betrayal and the loss of his former glory. His quotes reflect the pain of being cast aside and the bitterness that fuels his desire for vengeance. Betrayed by those he once trusted, Aatrox’s words are filled with wrath and a longing to reclaim what he has lost.
“Betrayal is inevitable in all things… even when it comes from yourself.” – Aatrox
“For my imprisonment, they will suffer!” – Aatrox
“This cursed form… This crude decaying flesh! I loathe it!” – Aatrox
“I was once honored, now I am feared.” – Aatrox
“What was taken from me, I will take back in blood!” – Aatrox
“Even gods must die… I will make sure of it.” – Aatrox
“I stood against the void. Now, I would welcome it.” – Aatrox
“Their chains cannot hold me!” – Aatrox
“I will carve my name into their bones!” – Aatrox
“I have lost everything, but I will still claim their lives.” – Aatrox
Aatrox Quotes on Fear and Intimidation
Aatrox, the embodiment of darkness and destruction, uses fear as his greatest weapon. His quotes are designed to intimidate and strike terror into the hearts of his enemies. These words echo his immense power and his hunger for dominance through fear.
“I am the end of all things!” – Aatrox
“They will call me villain. Come, let me earn their hatred.” – Aatrox
“You think you can kill me? Even gods cannot kill me!” – Aatrox
“Your gods have abandoned you!” – Aatrox
“Fear me, for I am the heretic and the prophet!” – Aatrox
“You face nothing greater than despair!” – Aatrox
“Stand and fight! Or run and die, it makes no difference to me.” – Aatrox
“I am the weapon of death!” – Aatrox
“You will die in darkness, and it will be glorious!” – Aatrox
“You are but a fleeting dream in my eternal nightmare.” – Aatrox
Aatrox Quotes on Purpose and Fate
Aatrox’s view of fate and purpose is shaped by his eternal imprisonment and desire for destruction. His quotes reflect a twisted sense of destiny, where his only purpose is to bring ruin to everything in his path. His words speak of a dark and inevitable fate that drives him forward.
“My purpose is destruction, and I will fulfill it!” – Aatrox
“Fate has no mercy, and neither do I!” – Aatrox
“I was born to end all things.” – Aatrox
“The gods themselves have cursed me with purpose!” – Aatrox
“I am doomed to this wretched existence, but you will fall by my hand!” – Aatrox
“My fate was sealed long ago. Now I bring doom to all.” – Aatrox
“I am the inevitable end. All paths lead to me.” – Aatrox
“We are all fated to die, but I will decide how!” – Aatrox
“I am not bound by destiny, but I will bind the world to my will.” – Aatrox
“My purpose is clear, my will unstoppable.” – Aatrox
Aatrox Quotes on Existential Dread
Aatrox, the Darkin Blade, represents the embodiment of darkness, plagued by eternal suffering and existential dread. His quotes reflect his eternal torment, hatred of life, and desire for annihilation. These words convey his deep despair and nihilistic outlook on existence.
“Life is a prison. Let me out.” – Aatrox
“I march to death… though I wish it was my own.” – Aatrox
“Hope is the opiate of the frail.” – Aatrox
“I cannot die… until all life ends.” – Aatrox
“I am the end of all things… the unyielding darkness.” – Aatrox
“I stood against the void. Now… I would welcome it.” – Aatrox
“There is no hope, only despair.” – Aatrox
“Your world will crumble to ash and death will be all that is left.” – Aatrox
“Existence is torment, but it is beautiful in its own way.” – Aatrox
“Witness truth and despair.” – Aatrox
Aatrox Quotes on Redemption and Self-Hatred
Aatrox’s story is one of fallen glory, burdened by immense self-hatred and a longing for redemption. Once a noble being, he now despises his decaying form, trapped in a cursed existence. His quotes express his inner turmoil, his hatred for himself, and his burning desire to redeem what was lost.
“This cursed form… This crude decaying flesh! I loathe it!” – Aatrox
“For my imprisonment, they will suffer!” – Aatrox
“I begged for death, now I am its bringer!” – Aatrox
“I was once honored, now I am feared.” – Aatrox
“I am not a king, I am not a god, I am… worse.” – Aatrox
“I must destroy even hope.” – Aatrox
“I stood against the void. Now… I would welcome it.” – Aatrox
“What was taken from me, I will take back in blood!” – Aatrox
“Primitives worship me, hoping for mercy. I shall give them death.” – Aatrox
“My suffering… I will make it bloom.” – Aatrox
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Final Thoughts
Aatrox’s quotes are powerful reflections of his inner turmoil and desire for destruction.
They reveal a character driven by rage, hopelessness, and an unending quest for vengeance against both his enemies and his own fate.
His words contain themes of power, suffering, and existential fear, which showcases the complexity of his character.