115 Best MGK Quotes (with Commentary)

Machine Gun Kelly (MGK) is famous for his unfiltered, unapologetic approach to music and life.

His quotes reflect a combination of ambition, authenticity, and emotional vulnerability, which offer insights into his struggles, successes, and personal development.

Whether discussing love, mental health, or his unending drive to break boundaries, MGK’s words will resonate with you if you value honesty and strength.

Top MGK Quotes

Machine Gun Kelly (MGK) is known for his boldness and unapologetic approach to life. His quotes reflect passion, intensity, and a relentless drive to succeed. These top 10 quotes show his perspective on embracing life and pushing through adversity.

“Pain is inevitable, but it’s what you do with that pain that defines you.”Machine Gun Kelly

“If I had listened to every doubter, I’d never have become who I am.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I’m not.”Machine Gun Kelly

“The only way to truly be free is to let go of everyone else’s expectations.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Life is too short to play it safe. Be bold, be brave, be you.”Machine Gun Kelly

“You can’t build greatness on fear; you have to build it on faith.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I didn’t come this far to only come this far; I’m just getting started.”Machine Gun Kelly

“The only limits that exist are the ones you place on yourself.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Success isn’t about fame or money; it’s about staying true to your journey.”Machine Gun Kelly

“My scars tell a story of survival, not defeat.”Machine Gun Kelly

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MGK Quotes on Ambition and Success

MGK’s journey is defined by his fierce ambition and determination. His quotes on success and ambition capture his mindset of pushing boundaries and refusing to settle. These quotes serve as a testament to his relentless pursuit of greatness.

“Ambition is what separates the dreamers from the doers.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Success isn’t handed to you; you have to take it, no apologies.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I’m not just chasing success, I’m building a legacy.”Machine Gun Kelly

“You have to believe in yourself before anyone else can.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Don’t wait for the world to tell you you’re great; go prove it.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Success is a mindset. It’s about putting in the work and refusing to quit.”Machine Gun Kelly

“If you want something, you’ve got to go out and get it—no shortcuts.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Ambition is the fire that drives you forward when everything else is telling you to stop.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Success isn’t measured by what you achieve but by how many times you’ve stood back up.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Don’t let fear hold you back; let your ambition push you forward.”Machine Gun Kelly

MGK Quotes on Overcoming Struggles

In life, struggles are inevitable, but it is the way we overcome them that defines our strength. MGK’s words on overcoming hardships reflect resilience, determination, and the belief in pushing through even the darkest times to emerge stronger.

“Pain has been my greatest teacher; without it, I wouldn’t be here today.”Machine Gun Kelly

“The battles I fight may leave scars, but those scars remind me that I survived.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Every time I thought I’d hit rock bottom, I found out I was stronger than I knew.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Struggles build the foundation for strength; they are what turn pain into power.”Machine Gun Kelly

“You don’t have to have it all figured out to keep moving forward.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I’ve learned that the road out of darkness isn’t easy, but it’s the only way to find the light.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Survival isn’t about avoiding pain; it’s about rising above it.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I’ve fallen, I’ve broken, but I’ve never stayed down.”Machine Gun Kelly

“It’s not about how many times you’re knocked down; it’s about how many times you rise.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I’ve walked through fire and come out alive on the other side.”Machine Gun Kelly

MGK Quotes on Love and Relationships

Love and relationships are complex, and MGK’s perspective on them is raw, real, and unapologetic. His words on love reflect passion, vulnerability, and the deep emotions that come with relationships, both the highs and the lows.

“Love isn’t about finding someone perfect; it’s about loving someone’s imperfections perfectly.”Machine Gun Kelly

“When you love someone deeply, their happiness becomes more important than your own.”Machine Gun Kelly

“The most powerful thing you can give someone is your heart; it’s the truest gift of all.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Real love doesn’t fade; it gets stronger with every battle it survives.”Machine Gun Kelly

“You can’t force love, but when it finds you, don’t let it go.”Machine Gun Kelly

“In relationships, it’s not about perfection; it’s about fighting through the imperfections together.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Love should never be easy; if it is, it’s not worth fighting for.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Love is chaotic, messy, and imperfect—and that’s what makes it real.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Relationships are built on trust and loyalty; without them, love cannot survive.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I’d rather have one moment of real love than a lifetime of fake promises.”Machine Gun Kelly

MGK Quotes on Creativity and Music

Creativity and music are core to MGK’s identity, representing a channel for expressing emotions, struggles, and victories. His quotes capture the raw energy, passion, and honesty that flow through his creative process and relationship with music.

“Music has always been my therapy; it’s where I can say the things that no one else understands.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Creativity isn’t about perfection; it’s about telling your story in the most authentic way possible.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Music is a mirror to the soul, reflecting the emotions we can’t always say out loud.”Machine Gun Kelly

“When I create, I feel free—like every note I play breaks another chain.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Writing music is like having a conversation with myself, a way to understand the chaos inside.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Art, in whatever form, is the only place where we can truly express our darkest thoughts without judgment.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Every song I write is a piece of me, a reflection of where I’ve been and where I’m going.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Music speaks when words can’t; it’s the universal language that connects us all.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Creativity isn’t about playing it safe; it’s about taking risks and challenging yourself.”Machine Gun Kelly

“The beauty of music is that it has no rules; it’s limitless, just like our imagination.”Machine Gun Kelly

MGK Quotes on Mental Health and Healing

Mental health and healing are central themes in MGK’s journey, as he has been open about his struggles and growth. His words on this topic emphasize resilience, self-awareness, and the path to emotional recovery.

“Healing is not a straight line; it’s full of twists, turns, and setbacks, but it’s always forward.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I’ve learned that mental health is just as important as physical health; we need to take care of our minds.”Machine Gun Kelly

“It’s okay to admit you’re not okay—that’s the first step to getting better.”Machine Gun Kelly

“You have to face your demons head-on if you ever want to find peace.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Healing starts when you allow yourself to feel the pain you’ve been avoiding.”Machine Gun Kelly

“You can’t pour from an empty cup; take time to refill your energy and mental well-being.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Mental health struggles don’t define you; how you overcome them does.”Machine Gun Kelly

“It’s okay to ask for help; strength is found in vulnerability, not in pretending you’re fine.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Sometimes, the darkest times lead to the brightest healing.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Healing isn’t about forgetting the past; it’s about learning to live with it.”Machine Gun Kelly

MGK Quotes on Identity and Authenticity

Our identity defines who we are at our core. MGK’s thoughts on identity and authenticity remind us of the importance of staying true to ourselves, even when the world tries to mold us into something we’re not.

“The moment I stopped caring about what others thought, I found my real identity.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Authenticity is power. When you embrace who you are, nothing can stop you.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I am unapologetically me—whether you love me or hate me, it’s real.”Machine Gun Kelly

“In a world full of fakes, being yourself is the greatest form of rebellion.”Machine Gun Kelly

“If you’re not living as your true self, then who are you living for?”Machine Gun Kelly

“The best version of yourself is the one that doesn’t care what anyone else thinks.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Your identity is the one thing no one else can take from you. Own it.”Machine Gun Kelly

“It’s easy to get lost trying to please everyone, but the only person you owe authenticity to is yourself.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I’m not.”Machine Gun Kelly

“You can change your clothes, your style, even your name, but never change the truth of who you are.”Machine Gun Kelly

MGK Quotes on Fame and Public Perception

Fame brings both admiration and criticism. MGK reflects on the realities of living in the spotlight, offering insights on navigating fame and how public perception shapes, yet doesn’t define, who we are.

“Fame is just a reflection of what people think they know about you—it’s never the full story.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Being famous doesn’t change you; it just makes everyone else’s perception of you different.”Machine Gun Kelly

“People see the spotlight, but they don’t see the shadows that come with it.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Fame is the consequence of doing what I love, but it’s not the reason I do it.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Public perception is a mask; the real me is much more than the headlines.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I never chased fame, I chased passion. The fame just happened to show up.”Machine Gun Kelly

“The higher you rise, the more people try to knock you down—that’s the reality of fame.”Machine Gun Kelly

“What matters most isn’t what the world thinks of you, but what you think of yourself.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Fame doesn’t define you, but how you handle it reveals who you really are.”Machine Gun Kelly

“When you’re in the public eye, people will always have something to say, but it’s up to you if you let their words affect you.”Machine Gun Kelly

MGK Quotes on Self-Belief and Confidence

Confidence comes from within, and MGK’s words are a reminder that believing in yourself is the first step to achieving greatness. His quotes on self-belief are powerful affirmations of owning who you are and trusting your journey.

“You have to believe in yourself before anyone else does. Confidence starts from within.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I stopped waiting for others to believe in me. I became my own biggest fan.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Confidence isn’t about being the best, it’s about knowing you’re enough just as you are.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I don’t need validation from anyone. My confidence is my armor.”Machine Gun Kelly

“The moment you stop doubting yourself, you realize how unstoppable you truly are.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I’m not afraid of the spotlight, because I know exactly who I am under it.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I’ve learned that the only person who can hold me back is myself.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Believe in your vision, even if no one else sees it yet.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Confidence isn’t about being perfect, it’s about being real.”Machine Gun Kelly

“When you believe in yourself, the world has no choice but to believe in you too.”Machine Gun Kelly

MGK Quotes on Life and Growth

Life is a constant journey of change and evolution. MGK’s reflections on life and growth speak to the importance of learning from experiences, embracing change, and continuously evolving into a better version of yourself.

“Life is about evolving. Every day you get a little bit stronger, a little bit wiser.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Growth doesn’t happen in your comfort zone; it happens when you push yourself beyond it.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Life is a journey, not a destination. I’m just focused on enjoying the ride.”Machine Gun Kelly

“The mistakes I’ve made have shaped the person I am today.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Every setback is just a setup for the next chapter in your story.”Machine Gun Kelly

“The key to growth is understanding that failure is a part of success.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I’m not who I was yesterday, and that’s the beauty of life. We’re constantly growing.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Change is inevitable, but growth is a choice. I choose to grow every single day.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I don’t fear change because it’s a necessary part of becoming who I’m meant to be.”Machine Gun Kelly

MGK Quotes on Loyalty and Friendship

Loyalty and friendship are core values that stand the test of time. MGK’s quotes remind us of the strength found in real friendships and the importance of loyalty, which forms the foundation of meaningful relationships.

“Loyalty is everything, and I’d go to the ends of the earth for those who’ve got my back.”Machine Gun Kelly

“In a world full of fakes, real friends are your most valuable treasure.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I don’t need a lot of friends; I just need the ones who stay true when the world turns its back.”Machine Gun Kelly

“True loyalty is rare—when you find it, hold on to it.”Machine Gun Kelly

“My circle is small, but it’s full of real ones who never leave.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Friendship is more than just a word; it’s the bond that keeps us grounded in the storm.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Loyalty isn’t something you say—it’s something you live.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I’ll ride with those who’ve been with me since day one, through every high and every low.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Friends are the family you choose, and I’m loyal to mine forever.”Machine Gun Kelly

“In the end, it’s loyalty and trust that make friendships unbreakable.”Machine Gun Kelly

MGK Quotes on Breaking Boundaries and Defying Expectations

MGK has always been one to challenge norms and push past boundaries. His quotes on defying expectations inspire us to rise above limitations and carve our own path, regardless of what others may think.

“I’ve never been one to follow the rules. I make my own lane and drive full speed.”Machine Gun Kelly

“If you’re not breaking boundaries, you’re not making history.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I don’t let the world’s expectations define me. I define me.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I’m here to challenge the system, not fit into it.”Machine Gun Kelly

“People doubted me from the start, but I turned their doubt into fuel for my success.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Success is breaking free from what others expect you to be and becoming who you really are.”Machine Gun Kelly

“I refuse to stay in any box that people try to put me in.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Boundaries are meant to be broken, and I’ll keep smashing them until there’s nothing left to hold me back.”Machine Gun Kelly

“You can’t stop someone who’s determined to prove the world wrong.”Machine Gun Kelly

“Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something—prove them wrong by doing it bigger and better.”Machine Gun Kelly

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Final Thoughts

MGK’s quotes encourage self-belief, courage, and endurance.

Through his honest reflections on overcoming adversity, staying true to oneself, and defying expectations, MGK encourages you to pursue your dreams bravely.

His words are reminders that success comes from embracing both the highs and lows and that authenticity is essential to lasting impact.