115 Best Makima Quotes (with Commentary)

Makima, a major figure in Chainsaw Man, is known for her mysterious and manipulative nature.

Her quotes often reflect her opinions on power, control, and the lengths she will go to achieve her goals.

With an ability to bend others to her will, Makima’s words reveal a character greatly embedded in the pursuit of dominance, using fear and psychological tactics as her weapons.

Top Makima Quotes

Makima, from Chainsaw Man, is one of the most complex and powerful characters. Her quotes often reveal her dominance, manipulation, and unsettling calmness, which reflect her position as a Control Devil. Here are 10 of her most memorable quotes:

“Only answer with ‘Yes’ or ‘Woof’, I don’t need a dog who says ‘No’.”Makima

“All devils are born with names, and the more those names are feared, the more powerful the devil becomes.”Makima

“The necessary evil you speak of is just an excuse to justify the evil things you do.”Makima

“We’ll be working together until death do us apart.”Makima

“I wish to use Chainsaw Man to create a better world.”Makima

“Humans are like dogs to me. They’re loyal, clever, and easy to control.”Makima

“Human jokes leave much to be desired.”Makima

“Power is everything. Without power, you have no control over your fate.”Makima

“I don’t hate humans; they’re simply amusing to control.”Makima

“When you talk about ‘necessary evil’, you’re just trying to justify the evil acts you commit.”Makima

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Makima Quotes on Power and Control

Makima’s entire persona revolves around her desire for power and control over others. As a Control Devil, her manipulation and dominance are evident in these quotes, showing her desire to be in control of both humans and devils:

“Power is everything. Without it, you’re nothing.”Makima

“I have no use for weaklings, only those who can obey and follow orders.”Makima

“Control is an illusion unless it’s in the hands of the one holding the leash.”Makima

“I don’t need loyalty from you, I demand it.”Makima

“The more feared a name, the stronger the devil. Fear gives power.”Makima

“You think you have freedom? It’s an illusion. Everything is under my control.”Makima

“The strongest aren’t the ones with power, but those who know how to wield it.”Makima

“Obedience is the greatest strength one can offer.”Makima

“I only respect those who know how to submit to my authority.”Makima

“I don’t believe in free will, only the power of control.”Makima

Makima Quotes on Manipulation and Influence

Makima, the enigmatic antagonist from Chainsaw Man, is known for her unparalleled ability to manipulate those around her. She uses subtle influence and psychological tactics to control both devils and humans. Here are ten of her quotes that highlight her mastery in manipulation:

“Only answer with ‘Yes’ or ‘Woof’, I don’t need a dog who says ‘No’.”Makima

“People are like dogs. They are loyal, but only if you keep them on a leash.”Makima

“The necessary evil you speak of is just a convenient excuse to justify your actions.”Makima

“I only associate with those who are obedient. I have no time for the disobedient.”Makima

“Trust isn’t earned, it’s commanded.”Makima

“Control comes naturally when you understand human desire.”Makima

“Weakness isn’t something to be pitied. It’s something to be controlled.”Makima

“Those who can be manipulated are meant to be controlled.”Makima

“I don’t ask for loyalty; I expect it.”Makima

“Human beings are predictable when you know what drives them.”Makima

These quotes reflect Makima’s cold, calculated approach to manipulation and control, as she bends others to her will, ensuring her position of dominance in any situation.

Makima Quotes on Fear and Authority

Makima’s power is rooted in fear and authority, and she wields both without hesitation. She understands that control is most effective when it’s combined with fear. Here are ten of her quotes that illustrate her philosophy on fear and authority:

“Fear is the most effective weapon of control.”Makima

“All devils are born with names, and the more feared that name is, the stronger the devil becomes.”Makima

“People fear what they don’t understand, and that fear is my greatest ally.”Makima

“True authority is not about commanding respect, but about instilling fear.”Makima

“There’s no need for love when you can have fear.”Makima

“The more they fear you, the easier they are to control.”Makima

“The best way to maintain authority is to make sure no one dares to challenge it.”Makima

“In this world, fear is the currency, and I am its richest.”Makima

“Fear doesn’t just keep you alive, it keeps others in line.”Makima

“Without fear, authority is nothing more than a hollow crown.”Makima

Makima Quotes on Morality and Ethics

Makima from Chainsaw Man is a character who often questions conventional morality and ethics, presenting her unique view on the justification of evil and the manipulation of others. Her perspective often blurs the lines between right and wrong. Here are some quotes that reflect her views on morality and ethics:

“The necessary evil you speak of is just an excuse to justify the evil things you do.”Makima

“Truly necessary evils are always controlled by the state.”Makima

“What, the old man never taught you? The prey must never trust what a hunter says!”Makima

“Beasts shouldn’t trust anything a hunter says.”Makima

“Humans are so fond of their moral superiority, but in the end, they do what they must to survive.”Makima

“Morality is nothing more than the victor’s version of history.”Makima

“Is it still evil if it leads to a better world?”Makima

“Sometimes, to create peace, you must first destroy.”Makima

“The justification of evil is easier when the goal is a utopia.”Makima

“Ethics are a luxury for those not bound by the reality of survival.”Makima

These quotes highlight Makima’s complex relationship with morality and her ability to manipulate situations to justify her actions.

Makima Quotes on Destiny and Purpose

Makima’s understanding of destiny and purpose is deeply intertwined with her perception of control and power. She often reflects on the idea that fate and purpose are not in the hands of individuals but are instead tools to be shaped. Here are ten quotes that capture her thoughts on destiny and purpose:

“I wish to use the Chainsaw Man in order to create a better world.”Makima

“Destiny isn’t something that happens to you, it’s something you control.”Makima

“Everyone has a purpose, whether they realize it or not. The trick is to make them follow yours.”Makima

“Your purpose is to serve, and mine is to lead.”Makima

“I was born with a mission, and I’ll stop at nothing to achieve it.”Makima

“Control over your destiny begins with control over others.”Makima

“Those who follow their purpose without question are the strongest.”Makima

“Fate is only real for those who are too weak to create their own path.”Makima

“Everyone thinks they can escape destiny, but they are always wrong.”Makima

“Purpose is power, and power is all that matters.”Makima

Makima Quotes on Sacrifice and Ambition

Makima’s character in Chainsaw Man is defined by her relentless ambition and the sacrifices she’s willing to make to achieve her goals. She embodies a ruthless pursuit of power, often justifying her actions as necessary for a greater purpose. Here are 10 quotes that reflect her views on sacrifice and ambition:

“The path to greatness is paved with the corpses of those who dared to oppose me.”Makima

“Power, control, dominance—these are the currencies of my ambition, and I will stop at nothing to attain them.”Makima

“In this world, only those willing to sacrifice everything can achieve true power.”Makima

“I will endure any hardship, suffer any loss, to achieve my ultimate goal.”Makima

“To rule over devils, one must become a devil themselves. I have embraced the darkness.”Makima

“The pain of sacrifice is temporary, but the triumph of spirit is eternal.”Makima

“True victory isn’t in defeating your enemy, but in making them your puppet.”Makima

“Every move I make is calculated, every loss a stepping stone towards my ambition.”Makima

“I’ll sacrifice the world if it means creating a better one.”Makima

“For the sake of my ambition, I will destroy anything that stands in my way.”Makima

These quotes illustrate Makima’s cold and calculated mindset, showing her willingness to sacrifice everything for power and control.

Makima Quotes on Humanity and Emotion

Makima’s relationship with humanity and emotion is distant and calculated. While she understands human emotions, she often manipulates and uses them for her own gain, viewing herself as above such trivialities. Here are 10 quotes that reflect her thoughts on humanity and emotion:

“I only enjoy the company of cats. I hate humans. My hatred is almost like a demonic instinct.”Makima

“Humans are so fond of their moral superiority, but they’re no different from beasts.”Makima

“Emotions are a weakness. Control over emotions is what makes one strong.”Makima

“Human jokes leave much to be desired. I prefer silence.”Makima

“The line between devil and human blurs within me. I am the embodiment of their desires and fears.”Makima

“Humanity’s greatest strength is its ability to fear. Fear controls them.”Makima

“I don’t hate humans for their flaws, I find them amusing to control.”Makima

“Emotion doesn’t drive me; purpose does.”Makima

“In the end, humans are just like puppets. Their strings are emotions, and I’m the one pulling them.”Makima

“The closer I get to understanding humans, the less I wish to be one.”Makima

Makima Quotes on Loyalty and Betrayal

Makima’s complex relationship with loyalty and betrayal is a major theme in Chainsaw Man. As the Control Devil, she often manipulates loyalty, turning it into a tool for her control and revealing her true intentions only when necessary. These quotes reflect her perspective on loyalty and betrayal:

“Only answer with ‘Yes’ or ‘Woof.’ I don’t need a dog who says ‘No’.”Makima

“I don’t ask for loyalty, I command it.”Makima

“Loyalty is not earned through kindness; it’s acquired through fear and power.”Makima

“Betrayal is inevitable when you forget who holds the leash.”Makima

“A traitor’s punishment is swift, because they dared to challenge my control.”Makima

“Loyalty is a chain; it binds you, and I hold the other end.”Makima

“I don’t trust anyone. They’re either useful or disposable.”Makima

“The ones who stay loyal are just waiting for the right moment to strike.”Makima

“You only betray someone you think you can defeat, and I am undefeatable.”Makima

“In the end, loyalty is just a means to an end, a tool to be used.”Makima

These quotes showcase how Makima views loyalty as a form of control rather than mutual trust, often using it to manipulate others for her own goals.

Makima Quotes on Freedom and Oppression

As a character driven by control, Makima has a clear disdain for freedom and often enforces her authority to oppress those around her. Her perspective on freedom is one of scorn, as she sees it as an illusion that she can bend to her will. Here are some quotes reflecting her thoughts on freedom and oppression:

“Freedom is nothing more than a lie we tell ourselves. True power comes from control.”Makima

“People don’t want freedom, they want direction. They want someone to tell them what to do.”Makima

“True freedom only exists when you have power over others.”Makima

“Oppression isn’t cruelty, it’s necessity. Without it, there would be chaos.”Makima

“I will give them the freedom they crave, by making sure they never experience it.”Makima

“People fear freedom more than oppression; they fear the choices that come with it.”Makima

“I will crush the illusion of freedom with the reality of my control.”Makima

“Freedom is an illusion, control is absolute.”Makima

“In a world of freedom, power is the only truth.”Makima

“Oppression is just a tool to create order in a chaotic world.”Makima


Makima Quotes on Strategy and Intelligence

Makima, one of the most cunning and intelligent characters in Chainsaw Man, uses her strategic mind to manipulate situations and people. Her quotes often reveal her calculated approach to achieving her goals. Here are ten of her most notable quotes on strategy and intelligence:

“Beasts shouldn’t trust anything a hunter says.”Makima

“When you talk about ‘necessary evil,’ you’re using that term to justify the evil acts you commit.”Makima

“True intelligence isn’t about knowing everything, it’s about knowing how to use what you know.”Makima

“Power means nothing without the strategy to wield it.”Makima

“Even a pawn can become a queen with the right move.”Makima

“I don’t play games I can’t win.”Makima

“The more I control, the fewer moves my enemies have.”Makima

“Planning five steps ahead means I never have to lose.”Makima

“The smartest predator doesn’t chase; it lets its prey come to it.”Makima

“Intelligence is measured by how much you can make others underestimate you.”Makima

Makima Quotes on Desire and Control over Others

Makima’s need for control is a defining trait of her character. She views desire not as something to be experienced, but as something to be manipulated in others. Here are ten quotes that reflect her thoughts on desire and control:

“Everyone is a slave to something.”Makima

“Once you taste true power, you’ll never want anything else.”Makima

“Desire is the leash, and I’m the one holding it.”Makima

“Control is the sweetest form of power.”Makima

“I don’t need to fight for control; they give it willingly.”Makima

“The more they desire something, the easier they are to control.”Makima

“I don’t chase power; I make it come to me.”Makima

“Desire blinds people, and I use that blindness to my advantage.”Makima

“To control desire is to control the person.”Makima

“In the end, it’s not about what you want. It’s about what I allow you to have.”Makima

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Final Thoughts

Makima’s quotes emphasize the darker aspects of power, manipulation, and ambition, showcasing her relentless determination to shape the world according to her vision.

Through her words, you gain a deeper understanding of her cold, calculated nature and the sacrifices she is willing to make for control.

Her complexity as a character is reflected in her quotes, which offer a peek into a mind driven by dominance and strategic knowledge.