115 Best Goku Black Quotes (with Commentary)

Goku Black, one of the most fascinating antagonists from the “Dragon Ball Super” series, renowned not just for his tough powers but also for his intellectual dialogues and ominous intentions.

As a dark doppelganger of the hero Goku, Goku Black presents a complicated narrative full of intense emotions and existential contemplations.

His quotes offer a profound dive into his psyche, which reveals his viewpoints on power, justice, and the nature of humanity.

Top Goku Black Quotes

Goku Black, a formidable antagonist in “Dragon Ball Super,” captivates fans with his dark philosophy and powerful statements. Here are ten of his most memorable quotes that reflect his complex character.

“This is the Zero Mortals Plan.”Goku Black

“The sins of humanity, they must be purged.”Goku Black

“I am justice given form! I am the world!”Goku Black

“Now venerate the most noble, most splendid, immortal, and supremely powerful god: Zamasu!”Goku Black

“You shall attain the exquisite beauty of divine justice.”Goku Black

“Humanity’s failure has proven that they deserve nothing but extinction.”Goku Black

“This pain will make me stronger!”Goku Black

“I’m not a monster, I’m a god.”Goku Black

“Your time is up, mortals. Now you will learn what happens when you defy a god.”Goku Black

“All mortals should be destroyed.”Goku Black

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Goku Black Quotes on Power

Goku Black’s obsession with power is evident through his speeches and actions throughout the series. Here are ten quotes that exemplify his views on power and his divine mission.

“Power is justice, and justice is absolute.”Goku Black

“The world shall be remade in my vision.”Goku Black

“I have taken the sins of humanity and the failure of the gods into myself.”Goku Black

“Strength is the only thing that matters in this world. Everything else is just a delusion for the weak.”Goku Black

“With this body, I can do anything.”Goku Black

“This power is overflowing!”Goku Black

“I am the conductor of the choir of death!”Goku Black

“To revel in destruction is the privilege of the gods.”Goku Black

“Only a god has the wisdom to wield such power.”Goku Black

“The power of a god is absolute. Mortals can never defy it.”Goku Black

Goku Black Quotes on Justice

Goku Black’s conception of justice is twisted and profound, often justifying his heinous actions with a belief in a higher purpose. These quotes capture his dark philosophy and the moral inversions that define his character.

“I am justice given form! I am the world! Now venerate the most noble, most splendid, immortal, and supremely powerful god: Zamasu!”Goku Black

“Justice is about purifying the filth of this world, and that is my gift to the universe.”Goku Black

“This is divine justice!”Goku Black

“Feel the power of a god and tremble in awe!”Goku Black

“I shall bring the beauty of justice to the entire universe.”Goku Black

“Mortals do not understand justice, and thus they must be taught.”Goku Black

“My form is the world, and my form is justice.”Goku Black

“All mortals should be destroyed, in the name of justice.”Goku Black

“The sins of humanity must be purged to bring about true justice.”Goku Black

“As a god, it is my responsibility to mete out justice and lead this universe into a new dawn.”Goku Black

These quotes showcase Goku Black’s belief in his divine mission to reform the cosmos according to his own twisted sense of justice.

Goku Black Quotes on Humanity

Goku Black holds a deeply cynical view of humanity, seeing mortals as inherently flawed and destructive. His quotes reflect his disdain for humans and his ultimate goal to eradicate them.

“Humans are a disease, a cancer of this planet. They are a plague, and we are the cure.”Goku Black

“The human race, with their insatiable greed, their endless stupidity, and their penchant for violence, has proven they deserve extinction.”Goku Black

“This world should be reshaped. That is the mission given to me by the gods.”Goku Black

“Mortals spread like a disease across the cosmos, polluting it with their very existence.”Goku Black

“It is time to carve a new heaven out of the earth, one without the stain of human folly.”Goku Black

“Humanity’s failure has proven that they deserve nothing but destruction.”Goku Black

“Their actions only serve to prove my point: all mortals must be exterminated.”Goku Black

“The beauty of my justice will shatter the ugliness of human ignorance.”Goku Black

“Mortals are not fit to tread the ground they pollute.”Goku Black

“Every human slayed brings us one step closer to a cleaner world.”Goku Black

Goku Black Quotes on Transformation

Goku Black’s transformation is a central theme in his character arc, embodying the shift from hero to villain through dark ambition and newfound powers. These quotes illustrate his evolution and the ideological shift that accompanies his physical change.

“This pain will make me stronger!”Goku Black

“I am the world! The beauty of my justice will shatter the ugliness of this world!”Goku Black

“With this body, I can do anything.”Goku Black

“I have taken the sins of humanity and the failure of the gods into myself.”Goku Black

“This is my true form. The form of the world’s savior!”Goku Black

“As a god with a mortal body, I have new insights on life.”Goku Black

“This form is my instrument to remake the universe.”Goku Black

“Each battle makes me stronger. This body has infinite potential.”Goku Black

“My transformation is not just physical, but also spiritual.”Goku Black

“I am not just Goku or Zamasu; I am a symbol of justice reborn.”Goku Black

These quotes encapsulate Goku Black’s belief in his divine mission and the transformative power he wields, merging might with ideology to reshape his universe.

Goku Black Quotes on Conflict

Conflict defines Goku Black’s existence, as his battles are not just physical but ideological. These quotes reflect his perspective on conflict, showcasing his aggressive philosophy and his reasons for engaging in battle.

“This is a war for the survival of the universe, and I am its warrior.”Goku Black

“You cannot understand beauty without conflict.”Goku Black

“To stand against me is to stand against justice itself.”Goku Black

“Conflict reveals the true nature of all things.”Goku Black

“Only through conflict can we evolve.”Goku Black

“Every strike, every wound, every death teaches us about life.”Goku Black

“Your resistance only makes my justice more resolute.”Goku Black

“I bring conflict to ensure peace.”Goku Black

“In every battle, I am reborn.”Goku Black

“Mortals must learn through conflict. It is the only way to salvation.”Goku Black

Goku Black Quotes on Destiny

Goku Black’s belief in his inevitable role to reshape the universe threads through his every action and word, presenting a character consumed by his sense of destiny.

“Destiny has chosen me to bring about the new age of the universe.”Goku Black

“This world, this reality, has no place for you. I am the chosen one.”Goku Black

“My destiny is not up for debate. I was chosen to be this universe’s savior.”Goku Black

“You cannot change destiny, just as you cannot escape it.”Goku Black

“I am destined to destroy you and everything you hold dear.”Goku Black

“The destiny of this world is already written, and it is written by my hand.”Goku Black

“My actions are not my own. They are dictated by the destiny of the universe.”Goku Black

“Fate has brought me to this point, and it is too late to turn back.”Goku Black

“Your struggle is pointless. Destiny cannot be altered.”Goku Black

“I am merely an agent of destiny, and you are but an obstacle.”Goku Black

These quotes reflect Goku Black’s conviction in his fated purpose, believing himself to be the arbiter of a new cosmic order.

Goku Black Quotes on Suffering

Suffering is a theme Goku Black both inflicts and philosophizes about, using it as a tool for transformation and as evidence of his perceived righteousness.

“The pain will make you stronger, if you let it.”Goku Black

“Suffering is necessary to bring about change.”Goku Black

“Only through suffering can we truly become strong.”Goku Black

“I will teach you the beauty of suffering.”Goku Black

“Your suffering is the testament to your weakness.”Goku Black

“Embrace the suffering, for it will lead you to salvation.”Goku Black

“The suffering of mortals is what they deserve. It is the path to enlightenment.”Goku Black

“Each scream, each plea, only strengthens my resolve.”Goku Black

“You know nothing of suffering, but I will show you.”Goku Black

“Through suffering, you will find the path to a new world.”Goku Black

Goku Black Quotes on Godhood

Goku Black’s delusions of godhood are central to his character, providing a fascinating insight into his psyche and ambitions. Here are some of his most poignant quotes that reflect his belief in his own divine status.

“I am justice given form! I am the world! Now venerate the most noble, most splendid, immortal, and supremely powerful god: Zamasu!”Goku Black

“This is the Zero Mortals Plan.”Goku Black

“Mortals are unnecessary for the world.”Goku Black

“I have taken the sins of humanity and the failure of the gods into myself.”Goku Black

“To revel in destruction is the privilege of the gods.”Goku Black

“Only a god has the wisdom to wield such power.”Goku Black

“You shall attain the exquisite beauty of divine justice.”Goku Black

“As a god with a mortal body, I have new insights on life.”Goku Black

“My form is the world, and my form is justice.”Goku Black

“Only a god can pass the absolute judgment.”Goku Black

These quotes from Goku Black illustrate his complex view of godhood, portraying himself as a deity with the ultimate authority to judge and reshape the universe.

Goku Black Quotes on Morality

Goku Black’s twisted sense of morality is revealed through his actions and words, challenging traditional notions of right and wrong. These quotes explore his moral philosophy.

“Justice is about purifying the filth of this world, and that is my gift to the universe.”Goku Black

“Humans are a disease, a cancer of this planet. They are a plague, and we are the cure.”Goku Black

“The sins of humanity must be purged to bring about true justice.”Goku Black

“Mortals do not understand justice, and thus they must be taught.”Goku Black

“I shall bring the beauty of justice to the entire universe.”Goku Black

“All mortals should be destroyed, in the name of justice.”Goku Black

“Your ideas of morality are outdated.”Goku Black

“The world shall be remade in my vision.”Goku Black

“I am the conductor of the choir of death!”Goku Black

“In order to create, you must first destroy.”Goku Black

Goku Black Quotes on Rivalry

Goku Black’s obsession with rivalry is highlighted by his confrontations and discussions, where he articulates his superiority and the inevitability of his triumph. These quotes showcase his competitive and combative nature.

“I look forward to seeing how strong you can become.”Goku Black

“This pain will make me stronger and prove my superiority.”Goku Black

“You are a worthy adversary, but this is where your path ends.”Goku Black

“Our battles have shown me the limits of your power.”Goku Black

“Every fight brings me one step closer to perfection.”Goku Black

“I have evolved beyond the Saiyan, I am a god now, and you cannot hope to defeat a god.”Goku Black

“You continue to fight, not realizing you are outmatched.”Goku Black

“With each clash, I ascend further away from you mortals.”Goku Black

“Your resistance fuels my ascension.”Goku Black

“There is no one in this world or any other who can surpass me.”Goku Black

These quotes from Goku Black express his relentless drive to dominate his rivals and affirm his status as the ultimate warrior.

Goku Black Quotes on Legacy

Goku Black’s vision of his legacy is tied deeply to his actions and beliefs, intended to leave a mark on the universe reshaped by his divine will. Here are quotes that encapsulate his views on legacy.

“The world will remember me as the one who reset its moral compass.”Goku Black

“My legacy will be one of divine justice and the salvation of the universe.”Goku Black

“They will speak of me as the savior who brought purity to the cosmos.”Goku Black

“This universe will sing praises of my deeds for eons to come.”Goku Black

“I am the remnant of humanity’s sin and the beacon of its future.”Goku Black

“My actions today will echo in the eternity of tomorrow.”Goku Black

“I will leave a universe cleansed of its filth and corruption.”Goku Black

“The legacy of the gods is to create, mine is to correct.”Goku Black

“History will recall me not as a villain, but as a redeemer.”Goku Black

“My legacy will not be one of destruction, but of rebirth.”Goku Black

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Final Thoughts

Goku Black’s quotes sum up the nature of his character—a crooked version of a beloved hero, infused with malevolent goals and a contorted sense of justice.

His dialogues are not only menacing; they reflect his philosophical views and his critique of mortals and their governance.

Each quote peels back layers of his complicated personality, which offers insights into his motivations and the thematic depth of “Dragon Ball Super.”